One Hundred Years of Solitude


Gabriel García Márquez

The adopted daughter of José Arcadio Buendía and Úrsula. She wandered to the town from Manaure and she is believed to be the second cousin of Úrsula. She marries José Arcadio (I) against the wishes of her adopted family. After José Arcadio dies, she remains sequestered in her home, slowly forgotten by the town.
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Rebeca Character Timeline in One Hundred Years of Solitude

The timeline below shows where the character Rebeca appears in One Hundred Years of Solitude. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3 
...sense someone is coming though he doesn’t know who. That Sunday, an eleven-year-old orphan named Rebeca appears with a letter for José Arcadio Buendía and a bag of her parents’ bones.... (full context)
Visitacíon recognizes in Rebeca symptoms of the insomnia plague she had tried to outrun. She explains to the others... (full context)
...expands her business to include breads, puddings and other baked goods. She sees Amaranta and Rebeca in the courtyard and realizes they have become young women. She realizes that soon her... (full context)
Chapter 4 
...player piano and José Arcadio Buendía tries to take a picture of the ghost playing. Rebeca and Amaranta are enthralled by the handsome, genteel man. (full context)
Pietro Crespi returns to repair the pianola and Amaranta and Rebeca assist him. On the last day of his visit, they hold an impromptu dance and... (full context)
...her a fish and she runs away. Aureliano, pining for Remedios Moscote, begins writing poetry. Rebeca waits for more communication from Pietro Crespi. When the mail delivery mule doesn’t arrive as... (full context) unreturned. Remedios Moscote accepts the idea of marrying Aureliano. José Arcadio Buendía agrees to Rebeca marrying Pietro Crespi, but Amaranta swears to herself she will stop the wedding at all... (full context)
...from his grief. Aureliano Buendía dedicates himself to teaching Remedios Moscote to read and write. Rebeca lives in fear of her sister’s threats to stop the wedding. She goes to Pilar... (full context)
Chapter 5
...Buendía, still tied to the chestnut tree. The only unhappy person at the wedding is Rebeca, who had been set to marry Pietro Crespi on the same day. But just before,... (full context)
Rebeca’s hopes of marriage are revived once Pietro Crespi has returned, but Amaranta suggests that Rebeca... (full context)
...twins inside of her. At this news, Amaranta thinks better of her plan to poison Rebeca, feeling responsible for Remedios Moscote’s death. Remedios Moscote had been a joyful presence in the... (full context)
Rebeca, though, is attracted to José Arcadio (I)’s masculinity. He recognizes that Rebeca has become a... (full context)
Chapter 6 
Only José Arcadio (I) and Rebeca know about the newborn girl. José Arcadio and Arcadio had become complicit in the act... (full context)
Chapter 7
A year after Colonel Aureliano Buendía’s flight, José Arcadio (I) and Rebeca had gone to live in the home that Arcadio had built for his family. One... (full context)
Chapter 8 
...reverts all the land his brother had stolen back to its original owners and visits Rebeca to tell her his plans. He can barely see her and he advises her to... (full context)
Chapter 11 
...looks for a home for himself and inquires about the house in the square where Rebeca and José Arcadio (I) had lived. When he breaks down the door, he finds Rebeca... (full context)
...Aureliano Buendía return in February, Aureliano Triste recruits them to help repair the outside of Rebeca’s house. She tries to pay them with coins that are no longer in circulation. On... (full context)
Chapter 13 
...and she pities these two children of whom she has been harshly judgmental. She remembers Rebeca and regrets their estrangement, recognizing that Rebeca is the best representative of the courage she... (full context)
Chapter 14 
...his war until his death is the way that Amaranta thinks of her adopted sister Rebeca. She prays that she will not die before Rebeca, and one afternoon, years ahead of... (full context)
Chapter 17
Rebeca dies at the end of the year. Aureliano Segundo tries to fix up her house... (full context)