One Hundred Years of Solitude


Gabriel García Márquez

Renata Remedios (Meme) Character Analysis

The eldest daughter of Fernanda del Carpio and Aureliano Segundo. Fernanda calls her Renata, but the rest of the family and town call her Meme. She falls in love with Mauricio Babilonia, an auto mechanic, and gives birth to his child Aureliano. When she is caught kissing Mauricio Babilonia, she stops speaking and is sent to a convent, never heard from again.
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Renata Remedios (Meme) Character Timeline in One Hundred Years of Solitude

The timeline below shows where the character Renata Remedios (Meme) appears in One Hundred Years of Solitude. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 11 
...with Fernanda calling her Renata and the rest of the family and town calling her Meme. Fernanda talks constantly and reverently about her saintly father. Each Christmas, he sends them life-size... (full context)
Chapter 13 
José Arcadio (II) prepares to leave for the seminary. Meme prepares to go to the convent to become a nun. Úrsula has gone almost completely... (full context)
José Arcadio (II) leaves for the seminary and Meme is taken to school. Amaranta begins to sew her own burial shroud. José Arcadio Segundo... (full context)
He recovers and continues to live with Petra Cotes, visiting Fernanda every day. When Meme comes home from school, Aureliano Segundo resumes living with Fernanda to give the illusion of... (full context)
Chapter 14 
Meme’s last vacations home occur while Colonel Aureliano Buendía is still being mourned. Fernanda and Aureliano... (full context)
Meme’s real joy lives in being social: gossiping and partying and seeing movies with her father.... (full context)
Meme, similar to Amaranta, is not beautiful, but she is friendly and fun. Aureliano Segundo spoils... (full context)
Among Meme’s friends are three American girls, from the other side of the tracks, one of whom... (full context)
Aureliano Segundo, proud, buys Meme a six-volume English encyclopedia. She spends the time she once spent gossiping, poring over the... (full context)
Meme plays a concert that night and, in the middle of her piece, someone interrupts her... (full context)
One night Meme says that she is going to the movies with Aureliano Segundo, but Fernanda hears him... (full context)
When Mauricio Babilonia visits the house to deliver a package from Meme’s friend, Fernanda notes only that she can tell by his face he is going to... (full context)
Meme and Mauricio Babilonia make love twice a week for three months. On the night Fernanda... (full context)
Chapter 15 
Macondo is in a state of upheaval when Meme’s illegitimate son is brought home, and so Fernanda is able to keep the child a... (full context)
After Mauricio Babilonia is shot, Meme never speaks again. Fernanda takes Meme to a convent in the somber town where she... (full context)
...the telepathic operation to treat her tumor, but a nun appears with a basket containing Meme’s son, baptized with the name Aureliano. Fernanda plans to drown the child in a cistern,... (full context)
Chapter 18
...a box and reads a long letter Fernanda had written and learns that Aureliano is Meme’s son. José Arcadio calls Aureliano a bastard and tells him to go to his room,... (full context)