Our Mutual Friend

Our Mutual Friend


Charles Dickens

Georgiana Podsnap Character Analysis

Georgiana Podsnap is the shy daughter of Mr. Podsnap and Mrs. Podsnap. Sophronia tries at first to befriend her and get her to marry Fledgeby (who is conspiring with the Lammles to get the Podsnap money). But ultimately, Sophronia feels bad about tricking Georgiana and calls off the scheme without Georgiana ever figuring it out.

Georgiana Podsnap Quotes in Our Mutual Friend

The Our Mutual Friend quotes below are all either spoken by Georgiana Podsnap or refer to Georgiana Podsnap. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Society, Class, and Character Theme Icon
Book 1, Chapter 11 Quotes

Mr Podsnap was well to do, and stood very high in Mr Podsnap’s opinion. Beginning with a good inheritance, he had married a good inheritance, and had thriven exceedingly in the Marine Insurance way, and was quite satisfied. He never could make out why everybody was not quite satisfied, and he felt conscious that he set a brilliant social example in being particularly well satisfied with most things, and, above all other things, with himself.

Related Characters: The Veneerings, Georgiana Podsnap, Mr. Podsnap, Mrs. Podsnap
Page Number: 131
Explanation and Analysis:
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Georgiana Podsnap Quotes in Our Mutual Friend

The Our Mutual Friend quotes below are all either spoken by Georgiana Podsnap or refer to Georgiana Podsnap. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Society, Class, and Character Theme Icon
Book 1, Chapter 11 Quotes

Mr Podsnap was well to do, and stood very high in Mr Podsnap’s opinion. Beginning with a good inheritance, he had married a good inheritance, and had thriven exceedingly in the Marine Insurance way, and was quite satisfied. He never could make out why everybody was not quite satisfied, and he felt conscious that he set a brilliant social example in being particularly well satisfied with most things, and, above all other things, with himself.

Related Characters: The Veneerings, Georgiana Podsnap, Mr. Podsnap, Mrs. Podsnap
Page Number: 131
Explanation and Analysis: