Our Mutual Friend

Our Mutual Friend


Charles Dickens

Jenny’s Father/Mr. Dolls Character Analysis

The name of Jenny’s father is never mentioned, but Eugene calls him “Mr. Dolls” (because Jenny makes dresses for dolls), and this becomes his name in the narration as well. He’s an alcoholic whose only goal is acquiring and drinking more alcohol. Jenny constantly refers to her father as a “bad child,” emphasizing how she often has to play the parental role in their relationship, disciplining him when he drinks too much and even taking his money so that he can’t spend it on alcohol. He dies while drinking.

Jenny’s Father/Mr. Dolls Quotes in Our Mutual Friend

The Our Mutual Friend quotes below are all either spoken by Jenny’s Father/Mr. Dolls or refer to Jenny’s Father/Mr. Dolls. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Society, Class, and Character Theme Icon
Book 4, Chapter 10 Quotes

“But I have heard my birds sing,” cried the little creature, “and I have smelt my flowers. Yes, indeed I have! And both were most beautiful and most Divine!”

“Stay and help to nurse me,” said Eugene, quietly. “I should like you to have the fancy here, before I die.”

Related Characters: Eugene Wrayburn (speaker), Jenny Wren (speaker), Lizzie , Mortimer Lightwood, Bradley Headstone, Jenny’s Father/Mr. Dolls
Related Symbols: Dolls
Page Number: 718
Explanation and Analysis:
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Jenny’s Father/Mr. Dolls Quotes in Our Mutual Friend

The Our Mutual Friend quotes below are all either spoken by Jenny’s Father/Mr. Dolls or refer to Jenny’s Father/Mr. Dolls. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Society, Class, and Character Theme Icon
Book 4, Chapter 10 Quotes

“But I have heard my birds sing,” cried the little creature, “and I have smelt my flowers. Yes, indeed I have! And both were most beautiful and most Divine!”

“Stay and help to nurse me,” said Eugene, quietly. “I should like you to have the fancy here, before I die.”

Related Characters: Eugene Wrayburn (speaker), Jenny Wren (speaker), Lizzie , Mortimer Lightwood, Bradley Headstone, Jenny’s Father/Mr. Dolls
Related Symbols: Dolls
Page Number: 718
Explanation and Analysis: