Out of the Dust

Out of the Dust


Karen Hesse

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Out of the Dust makes teaching easy.
Louise is a woman whom Billie Jo’s father starts dating about a year after the death of Billie Jo’s mother. Louis is an emotionally intelligent woman who does not try to replace Billie Jo’s mother. She understands the trauma Billie Jo and her father have gone through and is always respectful of it. Although Billie Jo is uncertain of Louise at first, Louise wins her over—by the end of the book, the two are like family.

Louise Quotes in Out of the Dust

The Out of the Dust quotes below are all either spoken by Louise or refer to Louise. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Nature, Survival, and the Dust Bowl Theme Icon
104. The Other Woman Quotes

We both stared in wonder
at the pond my daddy made
and she said,
a hole like that says a lot about a man.

Related Characters: Billie Jo (speaker), Billie Jo’s Father, Louise, Mad Dog Craddock, Arley Wanderdale
Page Number: 213
Explanation and Analysis:
111. Finding a Way Quotes

Sometimes, while I’m at the piano,
I catch her reflection in the mirror,
standing in the kitchen, soft-eyed, while Daddy
finishes chores,
and I stretch my fingers over the keys,
and I play.

Related Characters: Billie Jo (speaker), Billie Jo’s Father, Billie Jo’s Mother, Louise
Page Number: 227
Explanation and Analysis:
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Louise Quotes in Out of the Dust

The Out of the Dust quotes below are all either spoken by Louise or refer to Louise. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Nature, Survival, and the Dust Bowl Theme Icon
104. The Other Woman Quotes

We both stared in wonder
at the pond my daddy made
and she said,
a hole like that says a lot about a man.

Related Characters: Billie Jo (speaker), Billie Jo’s Father, Louise, Mad Dog Craddock, Arley Wanderdale
Page Number: 213
Explanation and Analysis:
111. Finding a Way Quotes

Sometimes, while I’m at the piano,
I catch her reflection in the mirror,
standing in the kitchen, soft-eyed, while Daddy
finishes chores,
and I stretch my fingers over the keys,
and I play.

Related Characters: Billie Jo (speaker), Billie Jo’s Father, Billie Jo’s Mother, Louise
Page Number: 227
Explanation and Analysis: