Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on C. S. Lewis's Out of the Silent Planet. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Out of the Silent Planet: Introduction
Out of the Silent Planet: Plot Summary
Out of the Silent Planet: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Out of the Silent Planet: Themes
Out of the Silent Planet: Quotes
Out of the Silent Planet: Characters
Out of the Silent Planet: Symbols
Out of the Silent Planet: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of C. S. Lewis

Historical Context of Out of the Silent Planet
Other Books Related to Out of the Silent Planet
- Full Title: Out of the Silent Planet
- Where Written: Oxford, England
- When Published: 1938, by John Bane, The Bodley Head. 1943, MacMillan.
- Literary Period: Modern
- Genre: Science Fiction, Speculative Philosophy
- Setting: England, Earth; Malacandra (Mars)
- Climax: Ransom goes to meet the Oyarsa and finds out about the “bent” history of Earth, then decides to spread that message on Earth rather than siding with Weston and Devine about the exploitation of Malacandra.
- Antagonist: Humanity’s bent nature, Weston, Devine
- Point of View: 3rd Person Omniscient, then 1st person limited
Extra Credit for Out of the Silent Planet
Further adventures. Out of the Silent Planet is followed by two other novels to make up the Space Trilogy. Perelandra and That Hideous Strength follow Ransom as he continues to learn more about the religion of Maleldil and take on a more philosophical nature than the space adventure that comprises much of this first novel.
Background work. The language of the hrossa species on Mars that Ransom loves so much is revealed in the further books to be “Old Solar,” the language shared by all sentient creatures in the universe before the fall and isolation of mankind. Lewis thoroughly outlined the language and created an entire grammar system, though it is not fully explained in his books.