Out of This Furnace

Out of This Furnace


Thomas Bell

Father Kazincy Character Analysis

Father Kazincy is a priest in Braddock whose diocese consists primarily of steelworkers and their immediate families. Father Kazincy is sympathetic to the cause of organized labor. He frequently encourages his parishioners to join the union, allows them to meet in the church basement, and openly flouts the steel company’s threats to have his church closed.
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Father Kazincy Character Timeline in Out of This Furnace

The timeline below shows where the character Father Kazincy appears in Out of This Furnace. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 3, Mary: Chapter 5
...Union meetings are outlawed in the steel towns and organizers are arrested on the spot. Father Kazincy , one of Braddock’s parish priests who is sympathetic to the labor movement, lets union... (full context)
Part 4, Dobie: Chapter 14
...up and down Washington Street. The damage was immense. As Julie begins clearing the table, Father Kazincy arrives and starts the funeral ceremony. (full context)