Outcasts United


Warren St. John

Kanue Biah Character Analysis

A Liberian player on the Under Fifteens team. He fled the war when he was just two years old and was separated from his parents. He lives with his uncle Barlea, who works twenty hours a day. This leaves Kanue to cook dinner for himself and his uncle and also keep the apartment. Kanue joins the Under Fifteens and quickly becomes devoted to Luma’s system, working hard in practice and also helping with the younger team. When the Under Fifteens team is cancelled, Kanue resolves to hold a second round of tryouts and restart the team because the community is so important to him, getting Mandela and Natnael to join him as well.

Kanue Biah Quotes in Outcasts United

The Outcasts United quotes below are all either spoken by Kanue Biah or refer to Kanue Biah. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Refugees, Discrimination, and Resilience Theme Icon
Chapter 11 Quotes

With no siblings in the United States, and a guardian who was hardly ever home, Kanue began to view the team as his family. “The Fugees—it’s really important to me,” he said. “When I play on that team, I’m with my brothers.”

Related Characters: Kanue Biah (speaker), Warren St. John (speaker), Luma al-Mufleh, Barlea
Page Number: 103
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 13 Quotes

“I told her I appreciate her,” Kanue said later. “I told her thanks, and that we were going to do everything to follow the rules and give her the respect she deserves.”

Related Characters: Kanue Biah (speaker), Warren St. John (speaker), Luma al-Mufleh, Mandela Ziaty, Natnael
Page Number: 103
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 15 Quotes

Luma dropped her head in relief. Her players, some of them still strangers to each other, were high-fiving and shouting joyfully at the sky as they ran toward her on the bench. They seemed as surprised as she did. Luma raised her head, pulled her shoulders back, and smiled for the first time in two weeks.

Related Characters: Warren St. John (speaker), Luma al-Mufleh, Mandela Ziaty, Kanue Biah
Page Number: 103
Explanation and Analysis:
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Kanue Biah Character Timeline in Outcasts United

The timeline below shows where the character Kanue Biah appears in Outcasts United. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 10: Meltdown
Leadership and Respect Theme Icon
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
The boys join the warmups, but Luma stands off to the side, giving no instructions. Kanue Biah, a veteran member of the team, realizes how angry she is. He had bought... (full context)
Chapter 11: “How Am I Going to Start All Over?”
Refugees, Discrimination, and Resilience Theme Icon
Community and Teamwork vs. Division Theme Icon
...decision to cancel the Under Fifteens season is hard on her players, and especially on Kanue. Kanue was born in Liberia and fled the war when he was just two years... (full context)
Refugees, Discrimination, and Resilience Theme Icon
...at 3 p.m. the next day, collapsing for a few hours before returning to work. Kanue’s role is to cook for himself and his uncle and keep the apartment, a routine... (full context)
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
After arriving in America, Kanue soon found out about the Fugees and joined their summer practices, working hard to improve... (full context)
Community and Teamwork vs. Division Theme Icon
Leadership and Respect Theme Icon
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
Over his two years with the team, Kanue became devoted to the Fugees and Luma, helping with the younger team and working harder... (full context)
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
The Saturday after Luma cancels the season, she takes Kanue, Mandela, and another player named Natnael to the movies. On the way back, Kanue asks... (full context)
Chapter 13: Trying Again
Leadership and Respect Theme Icon
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
The second tryouts for the Under Fifteens take place on Monday. Kanue, Mandela, and Natnael have rallied many new players, in addition to bringing three players (including... (full context)
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
...play against very experienced teams. They only have three practices to get their team together; Kanue offers that they could get an extra practice in on Saturday morning. The others agree. (full context)
Leadership and Respect Theme Icon
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
...up on Thursday at 5:00. She adds that practices are not going to be easy. Kanue is relieved. After all the others leave, he tells Luma that he appreciates her, and... (full context)
Chapter 14: The Fifteens Fight
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
...their size and experience, and Peshawa is able to score again. A few minutes later, Kanue is tackled by one of the older players, but Luma doesn’t blow her whistle. With... (full context)
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
...Seventeens win. Luma tells the Fifteens that they had played a decent game but tells Kanue that if he loses his temper again, he’s off the team. Kanue shakes his head,... (full context)
Chapter 15: Go Fugees!
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
...arrives at the field, she is relieved to see a full roster of players, and Kanue leading the Fugees in their laps and stretches.  (full context)
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
...into the game, a Lightning player is able to sprint pass the Fugees and score. Kanue urges the team to keep their spirits up. (full context)
Community and Teamwork vs. Division Theme Icon
Muamer is called a few times for being offsides, but Kanue doesn’t snap at him, simply gesturing for him to remain onside. Soon the Fugees make... (full context)
Community and Teamwork vs. Division Theme Icon
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
...energy and confidence.” The Lightning mark Mandela, who becomes frustrated and draws a yellow card. Kanue tells him to calm down. On the next play, Mandela dribbles down the field as... (full context)
Leadership and Respect Theme Icon
With twelve minutes to go, the Lightning score again on a penalty kick. Kanue encourages them to keep fighting, even though they’re getting tired. Moments later, Mandela is able... (full context)
Community and Teamwork vs. Division Theme Icon
Leadership and Respect Theme Icon
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
...charge in front. The Fugees goalie is frozen, but in the midst of the chaos, Kanue leaps into the air and heads the ball out of the way. The referee blows... (full context)
Chapter 21: Coming Apart
Community and Teamwork vs. Division Theme Icon
...but Muamer isn’t there and the ball rolls out of bounds. A few minutes later, Kanue is shoved while going for the ball, but he is blamed and called for a... (full context)
Chapter 26: The Fifteens’ Final Game
Leadership and Respect Theme Icon
Discipline, Dedication, and Success Theme Icon
...they plan to continue, it will be by her rules, her drills, and her way. Kanue and Natnael bow their heads. Though they worked hard, their team still has issues. They... (full context)