

Nella Larsen

Claude Jones Character Analysis

Claude Jones is a man who grew up with Clare, Gertrude, and Irene on the South Side of Chicago. Though Claude Jones does not appear in person in the book, Clare, Gertrude, and Irene discuss him during their tea together in Chicago. Gertrude says laughingly that Claude, a black man, has converted to Judaism. Clare laughs as well, while Irene defends Claude’s choice.
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Claude Jones Character Timeline in Passing

The timeline below shows where the character Claude Jones appears in Passing. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part 1, Chapter 3 be afraid of “freaks of nature.” She then changes the subject and asks about Claude Jones , a man they used to know from the neighborhood. (full context)
Gertrude tells Clare that Claude Jones converted to Judaism, and says she would “die laughing” if she saw him. Clare laughs... (full context)