Past the Shallows


Favel Parrett

Past the Shallows: Chapter 20 Summary & Analysis

Two Fisheries officers come to the Curren family’s house looking for Dad. Harry hesitantly answers the door and the officers ask if his parents are home. Harry replies that his Mum is dead and that his Dad is working on the fishing boat, and the officers seem surprised that such a young boy is home alone. They inform Harry that they need to speak with Dad because his fishing license is invalid due to fines and infringements. After the officers leave, Harry decides that he will go out until Miles gets home from work.
While the Curren brothers view Dad as an infallible force, he is not exempt from scrutiny, as his irresponsibility has put the family and their livelihood at risk. Harry’s decision to go exploring after the visit suggests that he is stressed and confused by the officers’ accusations, and that the outdoors are an outlet of escape from his difficult home life.