Past the Shallows


Favel Parrett

Past the Shallows: Chapter 34 Summary & Analysis

Harry lies awake in bed, afraid of the darkness that seems to be closing in around him. He looks for the sky out his bedroom window and focuses on the soft light emanating from the stars. As Harry continues to look outside, he marvels at the southern lights that begin to “breathe life” into the sky. He had forgotten about this natural occurrence, having not seen the lights since Mum died. The bright colors light up the sky until Harry falls asleep.
Harry previously admitted that he struggles to remember Mum, yet the southern lights remind him of her presence. Whereas older members of the Curren family are caught up in cycles of blame and bitterness surrounding Mum’s death, Harry focuses on the few pure, untainted memories he has of his mother. The lights, much like her love and kindness, comfort Harry and show him how to experience peace even in the midst of turmoil.