Past the Shallows


Favel Parrett

A type of shellfish that is most abundant in the cold ocean waters of Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Western North America, and Japan. Abalone is prized for its beautiful, iridescent shell. It is most commonly harvested as a luxury resource for jewelry and other decorative objects and is considered a delicacy in the cuisines of various cultures. Past the Shallows takes place on Bruny Island just off the coast of Tasmania, an Australian state that supplies 25% of the world’s abalone harvest. The men in the Curren family are abalone fisherman, braving the frigid ocean to dive for this rare commodity.

Abalone Quotes in Past the Shallows

The Past the Shallows quotes below are all either spoken by Abalone or refer to Abalone. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 1 Quotes

Water that was always there. Always everywhere. The sound and the smell and the cold waves making Harry different. And it wasn’t just because he was the youngest. He knew the way he felt about the ocean would never leave him now. It would be there always, right inside him.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Joe Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Mum
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 3
Explanation and Analysis:
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Harry picked up an abalone shell, the edges loose and dusty in his hands. And every cell in his body stopped. Felt it. This place. Felt the people who had been here before, breathing and standing live where he stood. People who were dead now. Long gone. And Harry understood it, right down in his guts, that time ran on forever and that one day he would die.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Joe Curren, Uncle Nick, Mum, Granddad
Page Number: 5
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Chapter 2 Quotes

First day of school holidays. First day he must man the boat alone while the men go down. Old enough now, he must take his place. Just like his brother before him, he must fill the gap Uncle Nick left.

Related Characters: Miles Curren, Joe Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Uncle Nick, Granddad, Jeff, Martin
Page Number: 9
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There were things that no one would teach you—things about the water. You just knew them or you didn’t and no one could tell you how to read it. How to feel it. Miles knew the water. He could feel it. And he knew not to trust it.

Related Characters: Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Uncle Nick, Jeff, Martin
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 12
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Chapter 5 Quotes

He used to feel sorry for the abs when he was young. The way they pulsed and moved in the tubs, sensing the bright light and heat. But he couldn’t think about them like that now. He was only careful not to cut or bruise them, because once abs started to bleed, they kept on bleeding until all the liquid inside was gone. They just dried up and died.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Uncle Nick, Mum, Granddad, Jeff, Martin
Page Number: 30-31
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Chapter 7 Quotes

And if you didn’t know better, you’d think that no one lived here anymore. That all these places were abandoned. But people were in there somewhere, hidden and burrowed in. They were there.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Joe Curren, Dad/Steven Curren
Page Number: 41
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Chapter 11 Quotes

“Don’t you get stuck here with your dad,” he said. “Don’t you let him…You’re too young to be out there working, Miles. It’s not right.”

Miles felt the words sink down right inside him.

“You’ve had it rough enough,” he said.

Related Characters: Mr. Roberts/Brian (speaker), Miles Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, Justin Roberts
Page Number: 72
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Chapter 17 Quotes

Maybe that’s why Joe and Miles liked it so much. And he knew that Granddad would have taken him. It was just that he was too little, too small to go, when Granddad had been alive. And if Granddad hadn’t died then he definitely would have taken Harry fishing, too. And it would have been good, like this was.

Related Characters: Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Joe Curren, Dad/Steven Curren, George Fuller, Uncle Nick, Granddad
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 102
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Chapter 22 Quotes

He lived for this, for these moments when everything stops except your heart beating and time bends and ripples—moves past your eyes frame by frame and you feel beyond time and before time and no one can touch you.

Related Characters: Miles Curren, Joe Curren, Dad/Steven Curren
Related Symbols: Water
Page Number: 124
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 36 Quotes

He just kept starting at Harry. And his hand moved away from Harry’s hair, moved down to the string around his neck. And he cupped it in his palm—a white pointer’s tooth.

“It’s his,” he said, and his face went pale. “His.”

He let the tooth go. He stared down at Harry.

“She was leaving, because of him. Because of you.”

Related Characters: Dad/Steven Curren (speaker), Harry Curren, Miles Curren, Uncle Nick, Mum, Jeff
Related Symbols: Water, The Shark Tooth
Page Number: 198
Explanation and Analysis:
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Abalone Term Timeline in Past the Shallows

The timeline below shows where the term Abalone appears in Past the Shallows. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 1
Picking up an abalone shell, Harry experiences a sudden awareness of Bruny Island’s rich history and of his own... (full context)
Chapter 2
...for the first time while Dad and his two fishermen, Martin and Jeff, dive for abalone. Miles has grown old enough to follow in his older brother Joe’s footsteps and help... (full context)
Chapter 5
...of fishing, Miles struggles to steer the boat while Dad, Martin, and Jeff dive for abalone. As he looks out at the water, Miles marvels at how sublime and ancient the... (full context)
Martin resurfaces from the dive and skillfully separates the abalone from their shells using a shucking knife. Jeff resurfaces as well, and Miles begins to... (full context)
Chapter 9
...deafens Miles, and he stands in shock as he watches Dad scrambling to rescue the abalone, salmon, and fishing equipment that had fallen off the boat amidst the chaos. He looks... (full context)
Chapter 11 the mooring site, Miles cannot get the dinghy to start up. Mr. Roberts, another abalone fisherman, pulls up in his new, luxurious dive boat and helps him tow the dinghy.... (full context)
Chapter 17
...afraid of breaking the rod or embarrassing himself. Despite being raised by a family of abalone fisherman, no one has ever taught him how to fish. He takes a rod but... (full context)
Chapter 18
...a day of fishing, Dad leaves Miles alone to clean the boat and take the abalone to the cannery. Since Martin has been out of commission after the shark incident, Jeff... (full context)
Chapter 35
...the Flat Witch, the smallest of the three islands. While Dad and Jeff dive for abalone, Miles tells Harry a folktale about a lady who supposedly fled society to live in... (full context)