Patron Saints of Nothing


Randy Ribay

Tita Ines Character Analysis

Tita Ines is Tita Chato’s partner. She and Tita Chato agree that the Philippine drug war is harmful and have a happy, loving relationship. She also loved Jun and was saddened by his decision to leave their home, where he was staying after Tito Maning kicked him out of his house.
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Tita Ines Character Timeline in Patron Saints of Nothing

The timeline below shows where the character Tita Ines appears in Patron Saints of Nothing. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Some Small Rebellion
...Ami takes Jay on a tour, and Jay asks if he’ll see Tita Chato and Tita Ines soon. Tita Ami says that Jay will see them when he goes to stay with... (full context)
All That it Means
...says he won’t but is confused, since the family is fine with Tita Chato and Tita Ines . Grace disagrees: Tito Maning speaks negatively about their aunts now that her family doesn’t... (full context)
Fail Him in Death
Jay arrives at Tita Chato and Tita Ines ’s house. After they hug, Tita Chato says that she’s glad Jay made Tito Maning... (full context)
Tita Ines goes to make Jay dinner, and Tita Chato and Jay watch the rain together. She... (full context)
...the Philippines because it makes him feel guilty that he left, something Jay never considered. Tita Ines comes back, and Tita Chato catches her up on what happened between Jay and Tito... (full context)
Let’s Do It
The next morning, Jay wakes up to find Tita Chato and Tita Ines making breakfast. He apologizes for being disrespectful last night, and Tita Chato says it’s okay—Jun... (full context)
...piano—Jay didn’t even know that Jun did that—and one of Jun with Tita Chato and Tita Ines when he’s much older. In that last photo he doesn’t have his tattoos yet, though. (full context)
Everyone Loses Their Shit
...he still doesn’t know why Jun left Reyna. He wants to tell Tita Chato and Tita Ines the truth, but he can’t do so without lying or sharing Reyna’s story against her... (full context)
...neighbor starts singing a song that Jay doesn’t recognize and gets a score of 92. Tita Ines sings and gets a 97. Jay declines to sing, but eventually a neighbor insists that... (full context)
To Flood
Because Tita Chato and Tita Ines have taken the next day off of work, they bring Jay to the beach. Tita... (full context)
Another Day in the Minefield
The next morning, Jay wakes up after Tita Chato and Tita Ines have left for work. He ignores texts from his parents, then texts Mia and messages... (full context)
Later, Tita Chato and Tita Ines take Jay out to an American restaurant to eat burgers. At dinner, Jay considers telling... (full context)