Philadelphia, Here I Come!


Brian Friel

Kate Doogan Character Analysis

Kate Doogan is a young woman who lives in Ballybeg and who used to date Gar. Kate belongs to a wealthy family, as her father, Senator Doogan, is highly successful. When she and Gar originally decided to get married, she brought him to her house so that he could ask for Senator Doogan’s blessing. When they arrived, though, Senator Doogan told her that another one of her peers, Dr. Francis King, had just returned to town and was waiting to see her in another room. Surprised, Kate went to see him, leaving Gar to ask for Senator Doogan’s permission in privacy. However, Senator Doogan heavily implied that he and his wife wanted Kate to marry Francis, so Gar left before Kate came back. Shortly thereafter, Kate and Francis were engaged to be married. On the day of their wedding, Gar decided to move to the United States, and now, on the eve of his departure, Kate visits to bid him farewell. Although he wants to be calm and kind, he ends up speaking vehemently about how much he hates Ballybeg after she suggests that his father will miss him when he’s gone. Upset by this rant, Kate quickly announces that she should leave. Defeated, Gar sees her to the door and says goodbye.

Kate Doogan Quotes in Philadelphia, Here I Come!

The Philadelphia, Here I Come! quotes below are all either spoken by Kate Doogan or refer to Kate Doogan. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Episode I Quotes

Private: (quietly, rapidly insisting) Are you going to take her photograph to the States with you? When are you going to say good-bye to her? Will you write to her? Will you send her cards and photographs? You loved her once, old rooster; you wanted so much to marry her that it was a bloody sickness. Tell me, randy boy; tell me the truth: have you got over that sickness? Do you still love her? Do you still lust after her? Well, do you? Do you? Do you?

Public: Bugger! (Public suddenly stops dancing, switches—almost knocks—off the record-player, pulls a wallet out of his hip pocket and produces a snap. He sits and looks at it.)

Related Characters: Public Gar (Gareth O’Donnell), Private Gar (Gareth O’Donnell), Kate Doogan
Page Number: 14
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Private: (wearily) Mrs Doctor Francis King. September 8th. In harvest sunshine. […] By God, Gar, aul sod, it was a sore hoke on the aul prestige, eh? Between ourselves, aul son, in the privacy of the bedroom, between you and me and the wall, as the fella says, has it left a deep scar on the aul skitter of a soul, eh? What I mean to say like, you took it sort of bad, between you and me and the wall, as the fella says—

Public: (sings)
‘Philadelphia, here I come, right back—’

Private: But then there’s more fish in the sea, as the fella says […].

Related Characters: Public Gar (Gareth O’Donnell), Private Gar (Gareth O’Donnell), Kate Doogan, Dr. Francis King
Related Symbols: “Philadelphia, Here I Come”
Page Number: 22
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Episode II Quotes

Listen, if someone were to come along to me tonight and say, ‘Ballybeg’s yours—lock, stock, and barrel,’ it wouldn’t make that (cracks his fingers) much difference to me. If you’re not happy and content in a place— then—then—then you’re not happy and content in a place! It’s as simple as that. I’ve stuck around this hole far too long. I’m telling you: it’s a bloody quagmire, a backwater, a dead-end! And everybody in it goes crazy sooner or later! Everybody!

Related Characters: Public Gar (Gareth O’Donnell) (speaker), Private Gar (Gareth O’Donnell), S.B. O’Donnell (Screwballs), Kate Doogan
Page Number: 69
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Kate Doogan Quotes in Philadelphia, Here I Come!

The Philadelphia, Here I Come! quotes below are all either spoken by Kate Doogan or refer to Kate Doogan. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Episode I Quotes

Private: (quietly, rapidly insisting) Are you going to take her photograph to the States with you? When are you going to say good-bye to her? Will you write to her? Will you send her cards and photographs? You loved her once, old rooster; you wanted so much to marry her that it was a bloody sickness. Tell me, randy boy; tell me the truth: have you got over that sickness? Do you still love her? Do you still lust after her? Well, do you? Do you? Do you?

Public: Bugger! (Public suddenly stops dancing, switches—almost knocks—off the record-player, pulls a wallet out of his hip pocket and produces a snap. He sits and looks at it.)

Related Characters: Public Gar (Gareth O’Donnell), Private Gar (Gareth O’Donnell), Kate Doogan
Page Number: 14
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Private: (wearily) Mrs Doctor Francis King. September 8th. In harvest sunshine. […] By God, Gar, aul sod, it was a sore hoke on the aul prestige, eh? Between ourselves, aul son, in the privacy of the bedroom, between you and me and the wall, as the fella says, has it left a deep scar on the aul skitter of a soul, eh? What I mean to say like, you took it sort of bad, between you and me and the wall, as the fella says—

Public: (sings)
‘Philadelphia, here I come, right back—’

Private: But then there’s more fish in the sea, as the fella says […].

Related Characters: Public Gar (Gareth O’Donnell), Private Gar (Gareth O’Donnell), Kate Doogan, Dr. Francis King
Related Symbols: “Philadelphia, Here I Come”
Page Number: 22
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Episode II Quotes

Listen, if someone were to come along to me tonight and say, ‘Ballybeg’s yours—lock, stock, and barrel,’ it wouldn’t make that (cracks his fingers) much difference to me. If you’re not happy and content in a place— then—then—then you’re not happy and content in a place! It’s as simple as that. I’ve stuck around this hole far too long. I’m telling you: it’s a bloody quagmire, a backwater, a dead-end! And everybody in it goes crazy sooner or later! Everybody!

Related Characters: Public Gar (Gareth O’Donnell) (speaker), Private Gar (Gareth O’Donnell), S.B. O’Donnell (Screwballs), Kate Doogan
Page Number: 69
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