Photograph 51


Anna Ziegler

Maurice Wilkins Character Analysis

A British physicist at King’s College. Lauded, established, and taken seriously by his colleagues in the community, Wilkins brings Rosalind Franklin to King’s College to assist him—not realizing that the woman he cruelly refers to as “Rosy” and “Miss Franklin” is determined to assist no one and to instead focus intensely on her own research. Wilkins is Rosalind’s foil and rival, but in spite of his occasionally thoughtless treatment of her and his occasionally sexist or antisemitic words toward her, there is a part of him that really wants to get through to her, win her trust, and build a sustainable professional working relationship. Wilkins is constantly trying to “begin again” with Rosalind and prove to her that he can be a good friend and colleague—but at a certain point, he realizes that it is too late to begin again, and that his relationship with Rosalind will never be anything other than the contentious, adversarial one it is. Wilkins, frustrated with Rosalind’s aloofness and her resistance to turning over a new leaf with him, turns to the Cambridge team of Watson and Crick for friendship and professional support. Wilkins shares with Watson and Crick important parts of Rosalind’s painstaking research, including the infamous Photograph 51, unaware that the two men are racing against the clock to develop their own model of DNA’s structure—a structure that Photo 51 reveals. In spite of his relentless attempts to connect with and ingratiate himself to others in his community, Wilkins privately admits his belief that science is “the loneliest pursuit in the world.” Beyond his old-guard chauvinism and his desire, seemingly, to maintain the status quos in both science and society, Wilkins does eventually express remorse for the callousness he showed Rosalind, openly regretting that he, too, failed to collaborate or support her as her research partner.

Maurice Wilkins Quotes in Photograph 51

The Photograph 51 quotes below are all either spoken by Maurice Wilkins or refer to Maurice Wilkins. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Photograph 51 Quotes

ROSALIND. (Writing the letter, cold and formal.) I require an X-ray generating tube. And a camera specially made so that the temperature inside it can be carefully controlled. Otherwise, the solution will change during its exposure, and, Dr. Wilkins, you know as well as I do that that just won’t do. Finally, if at all possible, I’d like to know when this order will be placed so that, if need be, I can request a few minor modifications. Yours sincerely, Dr. Rosalind Franklin.

WILKINS. Dear Miss Franklin, you are ever so ... …cordial.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Page Number: 12
Explanation and Analysis:
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ROSALIND. Dr. Wilkins, I will not be anyone’s assistant. (Beat.)

WILKINS. What was that?

ROSALIND. I don’t like others to analyze my data, my work. I work best when I work alone. If, for whatever reason, I am forced into a different situation, I should feel that I came here under false pretenses.

WILKINS. I see… […] Then perhaps we could think of our work together as a kind of partnership. Surely that will suit you?

ROSALIND. I don’t suppose it matters whether or not it suits me, does it?

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Page Number: 13
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. I’ll have you know that nuclear force is not something of which I approve.

WILKINS. Then I suppose it’s good no one asked you to work on it. […] At any rate, you lot never do seem to approve of it.

ROSALIND. I’m not sure I understand what you’re driving at. […]

WILKINS. Just that ... people ... worked hard to ... come up with these ways to save ... well, the Jews, and then all you hear back from them is how they don’t approve. It feels a little ...

ROSALIND. You’re absolutely right that the Jews should be in a more grateful frame of mind these days.

WILKINS. All right, Rosy.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. It’s absurd, isn’t it? Archaic! […] This business of the senior common room…

GOSLING. I suppose. But ... you can’t worry about it. […] It’s not like biophysicists have such great conversations at meals anyway. They tend just to talk about the work. They never take a break.

ROSALIND. But those are precisely the conversations I need to have. Scientists make discoveries over lunch.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker), Maurice Wilkins
Page Number: 15-16
Explanation and Analysis:

WILKINS. I almost went to see the very same performance. […] Our paths so nearly crossed. (Beat.) Was it any good?

ROSALIND. Oh yes. Very.

WILKINS. The great difference, you know, between The Winter’s Tale and the story on which it’s based—Pandosto—is that in Shakespeare’s version the heroine survives.

ROSALIND. John Gielgud played Leontes. He really was very good. Very lifelike. Very good. When Hermione died, even though it was his fault, I felt for him. I truly did.

WILKINS. And who played Hermione?

ROSALIND. I don’t remember. She didn’t stand out, I suppose.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Related Symbols: The Winter’s Tale
Page Number: 18
Explanation and Analysis:

WATSON. It’s just incredibly exciting.

WILKINS. What is?

WATSON. To be born at the right time. There’s an element of fate to it, don’t you think? And I don’t believe in fate.

Related Characters: Maurice Wilkins (speaker), James Watson (speaker)
Page Number: 23
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. (Condescendingly.) Flushed with pride, are we?

WILKINS. I beg your pardon?

ROSALIND. X-ray patterns you made?

WILKINS. It was just a manner of speaking. Everyone knows who’s on the team, that there is a team.

ROSALIND. Well, I don’t know which X-ray patterns you were looking at, but in the ones I took, it’s certainly not clear that there is a helix.

WILKINS. It’s like you’re unwilling to see it.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Page Number: 28
Explanation and Analysis:

CRICK. She’s really that bad?


WATSON. The Jews really can be very ornery.

WILKINS. You’re telling me.

WATSON. Is she quite overweight?

WILKINS. Why do you ask?

CRICK. James is many things but subtle is not one of them. […] You see, he imagines that she’s overweight. The kind of woman who barrels over you with the force of a train. […]

CASPAR. (To the audience.) To Watson and Crick, the shape of something suggested the most detailed analysis of its interior workings. As though, by looking at something you could determine how it came to be ... how it gets through each day.

Related Characters: Maurice Wilkins (speaker), James Watson (speaker), Francis Crick (speaker), Rosalind Franklin
Page Number: 31
Explanation and Analysis:

WILKINS. But what are we celebrating??

GOSLING. It’s amazing, really—

ROSALIND. Have some faith in me. There is something to celebrate. Take a leap of faith.

WILKINS. (Bitterly.) As though you would ever do that. […] I mean, my God, can you even hear yourself? The irony?

ROSALIND. (Slowly.) I take a leap of faith every day, Maurice, just by walking through that door in the morning ... I take a leap of faith that it’ll all be worth it, that it will all ultimately mean something.

WILKINS. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

ROSALIND. No, you wouldn’t.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker)
Related Symbols: Photograph 51
Page Number: 36
Explanation and Analysis:

WATSON. Do tell us what our little ray of sunshine is keeping busy with these days.

CRICK. (Actually worried.) Wilkins, old boy. Are you sure you’re quite all right?

WATSON. Anything new on her docket? If you don’t mind sharing, that is.

WILKINS. I honestly couldn’t give two damns. I’m happy to tell you all I can remember.

Related Characters: Maurice Wilkins (speaker), James Watson (speaker), Francis Crick (speaker), Rosalind Franklin
Related Symbols: Photograph 51
Page Number: 44
Explanation and Analysis:

CASPAR. Watson and Crick got hold of the paper Rosalind had written. It was confidential.

CRICK. It wasn’t confidential. Another scientist at Cambridge gave it to us. […]

WILKINS. Well it wasn’t published, that’s for sure. And it included [….] information that became critical to your work.

WATSON. I’m sure we would have gotten there sooner or later, even without it.

WILKINS. So would we have done, with the benefit of your work. You had ours but we didn’t have yours!

WATSON. There was no “we” where you were concerned. […]

GOSLING. Anyway, it doesn’t matter how they got the paper, only that they got it.

CASPAR. And that Rosalind didn’t know she should be in a hurry.

Related Characters: Maurice Wilkins (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker), Don Caspar (speaker), James Watson (speaker), Francis Crick (speaker), Rosalind Franklin
Page Number: 46
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. I think I’m thinking about how I’ve come to the end of thinking. […]

WILKINS. We could talk it through. It might help. […]

GOSLING. For a moment, everything stopped. Different ways our lives could go hovered in the air around us. […]

ROSALIND. You know, I think I am going to call it a night. I haven’t been home before midnight for a fortnight and really what’s the point of being here and not getting anywhere? […]

GOSLING. And then there was only one way everything would go.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker)
Related Symbols: Photograph 51
Page Number: 51
Explanation and Analysis:

GOSLING. There’s no science that can explain it. Loneliness. […]

CASPAR. Rosalind? (She clutches her stomach.)

WATSON. It works, Francis. It works. (A very long beat.)

CRICK. It’s ...

WATSON. I can’t believe it.

CRICK. It’s life unfolding, right in front of us. (Rosalind doubles over in her chair, and gasps.)

CASPAR. Rosalind?

WILKINS. It’s the loneliest pursuit in the world. Science. Because there either are answers or there aren’t.

Related Characters: Maurice Wilkins (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker), Don Caspar (speaker), James Watson (speaker), Francis Crick (speaker), Rosalind Franklin
Page Number: 54
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. We lose. In the end, we lose. The work is never finished and in the meantime our bodies wind down, tick slower, sputter out.

WILKINS. Like grandfather clocks.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Page Number: 56
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. If I’d only ...

GOSLING. Been more careful around the beam.

WATSON. Collaborated.

CRICK. Been more open, less wary. Less self-protective.

CASPAR. Or more wary, more self-protective.

WATSON. Been a better scientist.

CASPAR. Been willing to take more risks, make models, go forward without the certainty of proof.

CRICK. Been friendlier.

GOSLING. Or born at another time.

CRICK. Or born a man.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker), Don Caspar (speaker), James Watson (speaker), Francis Crick (speaker), Maurice Wilkins
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis:

WILKINS. And they do. I love that Hermione wasn’t really dead. That she comes back.

ROSALIND. (Sympathetically.) No, Maurice. She doesn’t. Not really.

WILKINS. Of course she does.


WILKINS. Then how do you explain the statue coming to life?

ROSALIND. Hope. They all project it. Leontes projects life where there is none, so he can be forgiven.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Related Symbols: The Winter’s Tale
Page Number: 59
Explanation and Analysis:
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Maurice Wilkins Quotes in Photograph 51

The Photograph 51 quotes below are all either spoken by Maurice Wilkins or refer to Maurice Wilkins. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Photograph 51 Quotes

ROSALIND. (Writing the letter, cold and formal.) I require an X-ray generating tube. And a camera specially made so that the temperature inside it can be carefully controlled. Otherwise, the solution will change during its exposure, and, Dr. Wilkins, you know as well as I do that that just won’t do. Finally, if at all possible, I’d like to know when this order will be placed so that, if need be, I can request a few minor modifications. Yours sincerely, Dr. Rosalind Franklin.

WILKINS. Dear Miss Franklin, you are ever so ... …cordial.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Page Number: 12
Explanation and Analysis:
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ROSALIND. Dr. Wilkins, I will not be anyone’s assistant. (Beat.)

WILKINS. What was that?

ROSALIND. I don’t like others to analyze my data, my work. I work best when I work alone. If, for whatever reason, I am forced into a different situation, I should feel that I came here under false pretenses.

WILKINS. I see… […] Then perhaps we could think of our work together as a kind of partnership. Surely that will suit you?

ROSALIND. I don’t suppose it matters whether or not it suits me, does it?

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Page Number: 13
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. I’ll have you know that nuclear force is not something of which I approve.

WILKINS. Then I suppose it’s good no one asked you to work on it. […] At any rate, you lot never do seem to approve of it.

ROSALIND. I’m not sure I understand what you’re driving at. […]

WILKINS. Just that ... people ... worked hard to ... come up with these ways to save ... well, the Jews, and then all you hear back from them is how they don’t approve. It feels a little ...

ROSALIND. You’re absolutely right that the Jews should be in a more grateful frame of mind these days.

WILKINS. All right, Rosy.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Page Number: 14
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. It’s absurd, isn’t it? Archaic! […] This business of the senior common room…

GOSLING. I suppose. But ... you can’t worry about it. […] It’s not like biophysicists have such great conversations at meals anyway. They tend just to talk about the work. They never take a break.

ROSALIND. But those are precisely the conversations I need to have. Scientists make discoveries over lunch.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker), Maurice Wilkins
Page Number: 15-16
Explanation and Analysis:

WILKINS. I almost went to see the very same performance. […] Our paths so nearly crossed. (Beat.) Was it any good?

ROSALIND. Oh yes. Very.

WILKINS. The great difference, you know, between The Winter’s Tale and the story on which it’s based—Pandosto—is that in Shakespeare’s version the heroine survives.

ROSALIND. John Gielgud played Leontes. He really was very good. Very lifelike. Very good. When Hermione died, even though it was his fault, I felt for him. I truly did.

WILKINS. And who played Hermione?

ROSALIND. I don’t remember. She didn’t stand out, I suppose.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Related Symbols: The Winter’s Tale
Page Number: 18
Explanation and Analysis:

WATSON. It’s just incredibly exciting.

WILKINS. What is?

WATSON. To be born at the right time. There’s an element of fate to it, don’t you think? And I don’t believe in fate.

Related Characters: Maurice Wilkins (speaker), James Watson (speaker)
Page Number: 23
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. (Condescendingly.) Flushed with pride, are we?

WILKINS. I beg your pardon?

ROSALIND. X-ray patterns you made?

WILKINS. It was just a manner of speaking. Everyone knows who’s on the team, that there is a team.

ROSALIND. Well, I don’t know which X-ray patterns you were looking at, but in the ones I took, it’s certainly not clear that there is a helix.

WILKINS. It’s like you’re unwilling to see it.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Page Number: 28
Explanation and Analysis:

CRICK. She’s really that bad?


WATSON. The Jews really can be very ornery.

WILKINS. You’re telling me.

WATSON. Is she quite overweight?

WILKINS. Why do you ask?

CRICK. James is many things but subtle is not one of them. […] You see, he imagines that she’s overweight. The kind of woman who barrels over you with the force of a train. […]

CASPAR. (To the audience.) To Watson and Crick, the shape of something suggested the most detailed analysis of its interior workings. As though, by looking at something you could determine how it came to be ... how it gets through each day.

Related Characters: Maurice Wilkins (speaker), James Watson (speaker), Francis Crick (speaker), Rosalind Franklin
Page Number: 31
Explanation and Analysis:

WILKINS. But what are we celebrating??

GOSLING. It’s amazing, really—

ROSALIND. Have some faith in me. There is something to celebrate. Take a leap of faith.

WILKINS. (Bitterly.) As though you would ever do that. […] I mean, my God, can you even hear yourself? The irony?

ROSALIND. (Slowly.) I take a leap of faith every day, Maurice, just by walking through that door in the morning ... I take a leap of faith that it’ll all be worth it, that it will all ultimately mean something.

WILKINS. I don’t know what you’re talking about.

ROSALIND. No, you wouldn’t.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker)
Related Symbols: Photograph 51
Page Number: 36
Explanation and Analysis:

WATSON. Do tell us what our little ray of sunshine is keeping busy with these days.

CRICK. (Actually worried.) Wilkins, old boy. Are you sure you’re quite all right?

WATSON. Anything new on her docket? If you don’t mind sharing, that is.

WILKINS. I honestly couldn’t give two damns. I’m happy to tell you all I can remember.

Related Characters: Maurice Wilkins (speaker), James Watson (speaker), Francis Crick (speaker), Rosalind Franklin
Related Symbols: Photograph 51
Page Number: 44
Explanation and Analysis:

CASPAR. Watson and Crick got hold of the paper Rosalind had written. It was confidential.

CRICK. It wasn’t confidential. Another scientist at Cambridge gave it to us. […]

WILKINS. Well it wasn’t published, that’s for sure. And it included [….] information that became critical to your work.

WATSON. I’m sure we would have gotten there sooner or later, even without it.

WILKINS. So would we have done, with the benefit of your work. You had ours but we didn’t have yours!

WATSON. There was no “we” where you were concerned. […]

GOSLING. Anyway, it doesn’t matter how they got the paper, only that they got it.

CASPAR. And that Rosalind didn’t know she should be in a hurry.

Related Characters: Maurice Wilkins (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker), Don Caspar (speaker), James Watson (speaker), Francis Crick (speaker), Rosalind Franklin
Page Number: 46
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. I think I’m thinking about how I’ve come to the end of thinking. […]

WILKINS. We could talk it through. It might help. […]

GOSLING. For a moment, everything stopped. Different ways our lives could go hovered in the air around us. […]

ROSALIND. You know, I think I am going to call it a night. I haven’t been home before midnight for a fortnight and really what’s the point of being here and not getting anywhere? […]

GOSLING. And then there was only one way everything would go.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker)
Related Symbols: Photograph 51
Page Number: 51
Explanation and Analysis:

GOSLING. There’s no science that can explain it. Loneliness. […]

CASPAR. Rosalind? (She clutches her stomach.)

WATSON. It works, Francis. It works. (A very long beat.)

CRICK. It’s ...

WATSON. I can’t believe it.

CRICK. It’s life unfolding, right in front of us. (Rosalind doubles over in her chair, and gasps.)

CASPAR. Rosalind?

WILKINS. It’s the loneliest pursuit in the world. Science. Because there either are answers or there aren’t.

Related Characters: Maurice Wilkins (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker), Don Caspar (speaker), James Watson (speaker), Francis Crick (speaker), Rosalind Franklin
Page Number: 54
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. We lose. In the end, we lose. The work is never finished and in the meantime our bodies wind down, tick slower, sputter out.

WILKINS. Like grandfather clocks.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Page Number: 56
Explanation and Analysis:

ROSALIND. If I’d only ...

GOSLING. Been more careful around the beam.

WATSON. Collaborated.

CRICK. Been more open, less wary. Less self-protective.

CASPAR. Or more wary, more self-protective.

WATSON. Been a better scientist.

CASPAR. Been willing to take more risks, make models, go forward without the certainty of proof.

CRICK. Been friendlier.

GOSLING. Or born at another time.

CRICK. Or born a man.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Ray Gosling (speaker), Don Caspar (speaker), James Watson (speaker), Francis Crick (speaker), Maurice Wilkins
Page Number: 57
Explanation and Analysis:

WILKINS. And they do. I love that Hermione wasn’t really dead. That she comes back.

ROSALIND. (Sympathetically.) No, Maurice. She doesn’t. Not really.

WILKINS. Of course she does.


WILKINS. Then how do you explain the statue coming to life?

ROSALIND. Hope. They all project it. Leontes projects life where there is none, so he can be forgiven.

Related Characters: Rosalind Franklin (speaker), Maurice Wilkins (speaker)
Related Symbols: The Winter’s Tale
Page Number: 59
Explanation and Analysis: