Piecing Me Together


Renée Watson

Piecing Me Together: Chapter 49 Summary & Analysis

That evening, Jade and Sam talk on the phone. At first Sam seems sympathetic, but she insists that they didn’t send Hannah home because Hannah is rich, not because Hannah is white. She says it has nothing to do with race. Jade snaps that people are going to say the same thing about Natasha Ramsey, but Sam doesn’t know who Natasha is. After a minute of silence, Jade makes an excuse, hangs up, and calls Lee Lee.
When Sam again invalidates Jade’s experience, it shows that Sam has no idea how to talk about race or to be a good listener, which makes her a poor friend to Jade. While Jade is not obligated to educate Sam or go into detail about Natasha Ramsey, Jade’s unwillingness to tell Sam how much this hurts means that Jade will never get what she wants out of this relationship.