Piecing Me Together


Renée Watson

One of Maxine’s best friends. She wears her hair braided into thick cords and pinned into a bun. Bailey grills Maxine about Jon and she shows that she cares deeply for her friend and she wants Maxine to date someone who’s worthy of her. She also gives Jade helpful advice about college. Bailey attended the University of San Diego and she says that once she found the essentials—a place to get hair care products and a black church—she was fine. She also leads a seminar on money management during college for Woman to Woman’s mentees.

Bailey Quotes in Piecing Me Together

The Piecing Me Together quotes below are all either spoken by Bailey or refer to Bailey. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapters 31 - 32 Quotes

“Kira—please leave Jade alone. She is not like that. She’s smart. She’s on scholarship at St. Francis and has a four-point-oh GPA. This girl right here is going places. She’s not going to mess things up by betting caught up with some guy,” she says. “I’m going to see to it she doesn’t end up like one of those girls.”

I know when Maxine says those girls, she is talking about the girls who go to Northside.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Mom, Bailey, Kira
Page Number: 130
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Bailey Quotes in Piecing Me Together

The Piecing Me Together quotes below are all either spoken by Bailey or refer to Bailey. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapters 31 - 32 Quotes

“Kira—please leave Jade alone. She is not like that. She’s smart. She’s on scholarship at St. Francis and has a four-point-oh GPA. This girl right here is going places. She’s not going to mess things up by betting caught up with some guy,” she says. “I’m going to see to it she doesn’t end up like one of those girls.”

I know when Maxine says those girls, she is talking about the girls who go to Northside.

Related Characters: Jade Butler (speaker), Maxine (speaker), Mom, Bailey, Kira
Page Number: 130
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