Pigeon English


Stephen Kelman

Killa Character Analysis

Killa is a member of the Dell Farm Crew and student at Harri’s school. He earned the nickname from having stabbed many people, and Harri spends much of the novel suspecting that Killa was the person who murdered the dead boy. Killa starts dating Miquita and treats her badly, burning her hands with a lighter. At the end of the novel, Killa freaks out when Harri and Dean collect his fingerprints and when he finds out that they have a picture of the dead boy. Although it is never specified in the text, it is reasonable to assume that Killa stabs Harri at the end of the novel as a form of revenge and to prevent Harri from telling the police that Killa is the murderer.
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Killa Character Timeline in Pigeon English

The timeline below shows where the character Killa appears in Pigeon English. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
...of them because otherwise it feels “disgusting.” Dizzy and Clipz join in the discussion, but Killa stays quiet. Harri wonders if this is because Killa has stabbed so many people and... (full context)
At the end of the funeral, Killa rides by on his bike. He slips off in the rain, and a man attending... (full context)
...flight until he feels dizzy. The Dell Farm Crew are there but don’t acknowledge Harri. Killa and Miquita are dating now, and Harri hopes they continue so Miquita will leave him... (full context)
Harri observes that there are security cameras everywhere in London. He, X-Fire, Dizzy, and Killa are trying to rob someone; the other boys are going to bump into the target... (full context)
Asbo sniffs Killa, and Killa pulls a screwdriver from his pants, demanding that Terry get Asbo away from... (full context)
...to die, but everyone keeps watching and cheering. Dizzy takes pictures on his phone, while Killa looks worried and walks away alone. Dizzy encourages Miquita to throw Chanelle through the window,... (full context)
...the pool tables, checking to see if X-Fire is in there first. Outside, Miquita and Killa sit together on the wall, and Miquita is smoking. Miquita says Lydia is a “good... (full context)
Killa threatens to break Harri’s binoculars if he doesn’t stop staring at him through them. As... (full context)
Dean admits that four guilty signs is incriminating but not enough to prove that Killa is the murderer. They need DNA, and Dean points out that they now have a... (full context)
...it “relaxing” to watch her. After she finishes, Harri walks away and accidentally bumps into Killa, who points a craft knife at Harri and demands to have his fingerprints back. Killa... (full context)
...boyfriend’s not a murderer.” Everyone goes quiet. Eventually Lydia tells Miquita that she shouldn’t let Killa burn her hands with the lighter, calling her “weak.” Miquita boasts that she can’t be... (full context)
...good the dead boy was at basketball, and how he would never let X-Fire and Killa push him around. The dead boy “wasn’t scared of anything.” Harri remembers a fight between... (full context)
X-Fire and Dizzy approach Dean and Harri and ask what they are doing. Killa and Miquita are there too. Harri drops Lydia’s phone to hide it. Dizzy tells them... (full context)
...they know his brother can’t afford one. However, Harri is in shock. Jermaine Bent is Killa’s real name. (full context)
...hose. Once the playground has been hosed down, it looks “dirty and dead.” Harri sees Killa standing by himself. Killa picks up one of the hot woodchips and squeezes it in... (full context)
Harri and Dean have been preparing to tell the police that Killa is the murderer. They plan to tell their mothers first so that the police are... (full context)