Pigeon English


Stephen Kelman

Miquita is Killa’s girlfriend and a friend of Lydia and Chanelle. She is violent and fiercely loyal to the Dell Farm Crew, which leads her to burn Lydia with a hair straightener and fight Chanelle in the school cafeteria, almost killing her by pushing her through a window. Miquita claims that it was the dead boy’s fault he was killed because he was “fronting.” She behaves in a sexually aggressive manner with Harri, and after Harri agrees to let her teach him to kiss, she sexually assaults him by forcing his hand down her pants.
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Miquita Character Timeline in Pigeon English

The timeline below shows where the character Miquita appears in Pigeon English. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
...in the eyes with a fork. Harri looks through the peephole and sees Chanelle and Miquita on the other side. He opens all the locks on the door and lets them... (full context)
Miquita isn’t going to the dead boy’s funeral. She said it was his fault he was... (full context)
...babies were only born in the daytime. He wishes Mamma was at home now, because Miquita has just arrived. Miquita and Lydia try on their parrot costumes for the carnival. Miquita... (full context)
Later, while heading to the bathroom, Harri sees Miquita give Lydia a Nisa bag before she leaves. They look inside it as if it... (full context)
...he feels dizzy. The Dell Farm Crew are there but don’t acknowledge Harri. Killa and Miquita are dating now, and Harri hopes they continue so Miquita will leave him alone. Lydia... (full context)
...blood on them; Lydia eventually admits that this was true but tells him it was Miquita’s blood—“girl’s blood.” Harri feels bad that Lydia’s crying, but he also thinks that she needs... (full context)
Miquita is straightening Lydia’s hair. After one side of Lydia’s head is done, they take a... (full context)
Harri takes Miquita and Chanelle’s fingerprints from their glasses of juice. He doesn’t take Lydia’s because she’s not... (full context)
...but he hasn’t used it yet as he’s saving it for “emergencies” only. At lunchtime, Miquita and Chanelle have a massive fight. Miquita calls Chanelle a “fucking skank” and yells “You... (full context)
...takes pictures on his phone, while Killa looks worried and walks away alone. Dizzy encourages Miquita to throw Chanelle through the window, and Miquita begins dragging her toward it, screaming “You... (full context)
...play with the pool tables, checking to see if X-Fire is in there first. Outside, Miquita and Killa sit together on the wall, and Miquita is smoking. Miquita says Lydia is... (full context)
...signs of guilt in Killa and suggests making him “Suspect Number One.” He adds that Miquita is Killa’s accomplice, and they should beware of her. (full context)
Miquita puts on cherry lipstick, preparing to teach Harri how to kiss. Harri reasons that if... (full context)
Harri calls Miquita a “stupid bitch” and Lydia tells her to leave him alone. When Miquita responds that... (full context)
Regretful about what happened with Miquita, Harri gives Poppy a jelly ring. The couple walks past Clipz, who asks if Harri... (full context)
X-Fire and Dizzy approach Dean and Harri and ask what they are doing. Killa and Miquita are there too. Harri drops Lydia’s phone to hide it. Dizzy tells them they are... (full context)
...gives him her number, then kisses him. It feels “lovely,” nothing like it did with Miquita. Poppy’s mom is waiting, and Poppy gets into the car. She waves through the window,... (full context)