Pigeon English


Stephen Kelman

Obruni  Term Analysis

Obruni is the Ghanaian term for foreigner and usually means that person is white. It comes from the Twi language.
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Obruni  Term Timeline in Pigeon English

The timeline below shows where the term Obruni  appears in Pigeon English. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
...was expelled from school for kicking a teacher. Jordan is mixed-race, and his mother is obruni, which Harri finds crazy. Jordan’s mom wants to find another school for her son, but... (full context)
...Abena was “very stupid” and put soap flakes on her face so she would become obruni. Lydia still chats to Abena via instant message at Computer Club. Abena told Lydia that... (full context)
...and Lydia first came to England, they played a game where they had to shout “obruni!” every time they saw a white person. When they first arrived in their new flat,... (full context)