Popol Vuh


Dennis Tedlock

Lust Woman and Wailing Woman Character Analysis

Lust Woman and Wailing Woman are two daughters from the tribes who are sent to trick the boy gods Tohil, Auilix, and Hacauitz. Though the two women follow instructions, they also fall for the gods' tricks, which leads to the defeat of the tribes. Because of this, the tribes blame the women for their defeat, and Lust and Wailing Woman become the first sex workers.
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Lust Woman and Wailing Woman Character Timeline in Popol Vuh

The timeline below shows where the character Lust Woman and Wailing Woman appears in Popol Vuh. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part Four
...adolescent boys, they should send two beautiful maidens. They settle on two of their daughters, Lust Woman and Wailing Woman , and the tribes instruct the daughters to give in to whatever the boy gods... (full context)
Lust Woman and Wailing Woman make themselves look beautiful and then head to the river. They undress and wash laundry... (full context)
The tribes are thrilled when Lust Woman and Wailing Woman arrive with the cloaks. The tribal lords try on first the jaguar cloak and then... (full context)