Prince Caspian


C. S. Lewis

Teachers and parents! Our Teacher Edition on Prince Caspian makes teaching easy.

Bacchus Character Analysis

Bacchus is the Greek god of winemaking, orchards, fruit, and fertility, among other things. In Prince Caspian, he represents a wild, almost dangerous generative force which is safest when exercised under Aslan’s watchful eye. He and his followers, the Maenads and Silenus, join the Old Narnia forces when Aslan reawakens the dryads (tree spirits), naiads (water spirits), and other minor ancient Greek divinities.

Bacchus Quotes in Prince Caspian

The Prince Caspian quotes below are all either spoken by Bacchus or refer to Bacchus. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Good vs. Evil Theme Icon
Chapter 11: The Lion Roars Quotes

And all the time there were more and more vine leaves everywhere. And soon not only leaves but vines. They were climbing up everything. They were running up the legs of the tree people and circling round their necks. Lucy put up her hands to push back her hair and found she was pushing back vine branches. The donkey was a mass of them. His tail was completely entangled and something dark was nodding between his ears. Lucy looked again and saw it was a bunch of grapes. After that it was mostly grapes—overhead and underfoot and all around.

Related Characters: Lucy, Aslan, Bacchus, Silenus
Page Number: 168
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 14: How All Were Very Busy Quotes

[They] came to another school, where a tired-looking girl was teaching arithmetic to a number of boys who looked very much like pigs. She looked out of the window and saw the divine revelers singing up the street and a stab of joy went through her heart. Aslan stopped right under her window and looked up at her.

“Oh, don’t, don’t” she said. “I’d love to. But I mustn’t. I must stick to my work. And the children would be frightened if they saw you.”

“Frightened?” said the most pig-like of the boys […] and they all came crowding to the window. But as soon as their mean little faces looked out, […they] began howling with fright and trampling one another down to get out of the door and jumping out of the windows. […]

“Now, Dear Heart,” said Aslan to the Mistress: and she jumped down and joined them.

Related Characters: Aslan (speaker), Peter, Lucy, Susan, Miraz, Bacchus, Silenus
Page Number: 215-216
Explanation and Analysis:
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Bacchus Quotes in Prince Caspian

The Prince Caspian quotes below are all either spoken by Bacchus or refer to Bacchus. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Good vs. Evil Theme Icon
Chapter 11: The Lion Roars Quotes

And all the time there were more and more vine leaves everywhere. And soon not only leaves but vines. They were climbing up everything. They were running up the legs of the tree people and circling round their necks. Lucy put up her hands to push back her hair and found she was pushing back vine branches. The donkey was a mass of them. His tail was completely entangled and something dark was nodding between his ears. Lucy looked again and saw it was a bunch of grapes. After that it was mostly grapes—overhead and underfoot and all around.

Related Characters: Lucy, Aslan, Bacchus, Silenus
Page Number: 168
Explanation and Analysis:
Chapter 14: How All Were Very Busy Quotes

[They] came to another school, where a tired-looking girl was teaching arithmetic to a number of boys who looked very much like pigs. She looked out of the window and saw the divine revelers singing up the street and a stab of joy went through her heart. Aslan stopped right under her window and looked up at her.

“Oh, don’t, don’t” she said. “I’d love to. But I mustn’t. I must stick to my work. And the children would be frightened if they saw you.”

“Frightened?” said the most pig-like of the boys […] and they all came crowding to the window. But as soon as their mean little faces looked out, […they] began howling with fright and trampling one another down to get out of the door and jumping out of the windows. […]

“Now, Dear Heart,” said Aslan to the Mistress: and she jumped down and joined them.

Related Characters: Aslan (speaker), Peter, Lucy, Susan, Miraz, Bacchus, Silenus
Page Number: 215-216
Explanation and Analysis: