

Dante Alighieri

Statius Character Analysis

Dante and Virgil meet Statius, a poet of the first century C.E., as they’re leaving the level of Purgatory where covetousness is purged. Because Statius has just been released from Purgatory for Heaven, he’s able to guide the other two through the upper levels. Dante describes Statius as a Christian who concealed his faith and also spent money too freely, sins for which he did centuries of penance in Purgatory. Like Dante, Statius’s poetry was inspired by Virgil, and Statius is thrilled to meet his literary hero in the afterlife. In Canto 25, Statius delivers a discourse on the nature of body and soul.

Statius Quotes in Purgatorio

The Purgatorio quotes below are all either spoken by Statius or refer to Statius. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Canto 21 Quotes

Tremors strike here when any soul feels pure
and rises, newly cleansed, to start its climb.
And that cry follows as the soul ascends.

The will alone gives proof of purity
when, wholly free to change its sacred place,
it aids and sweeps the soul up, willing well.

Related Characters: Statius (speaker), Dante, Virgil
Related Symbols: Journeys and Climbing
Page Number: 257
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Canto 25 Quotes

Open your heart. Receive the coming truth.
Know this: when once the foetal brain is brought
to full articulation in the womb,

the Primal Cause of Motion turns in joy
to see so much of Nature’s art, and breathes
new breath of spirit filled with power within,

which draws all active elements it finds
into its being and thus forms one soul
which lives and feels and turns as conscious self.

Related Characters: Statius (speaker), Dante
Page Number: 276
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Statius Quotes in Purgatorio

The Purgatorio quotes below are all either spoken by Statius or refer to Statius. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Canto 21 Quotes

Tremors strike here when any soul feels pure
and rises, newly cleansed, to start its climb.
And that cry follows as the soul ascends.

The will alone gives proof of purity
when, wholly free to change its sacred place,
it aids and sweeps the soul up, willing well.

Related Characters: Statius (speaker), Dante, Virgil
Related Symbols: Journeys and Climbing
Page Number: 257
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Canto 25 Quotes

Open your heart. Receive the coming truth.
Know this: when once the foetal brain is brought
to full articulation in the womb,

the Primal Cause of Motion turns in joy
to see so much of Nature’s art, and breathes
new breath of spirit filled with power within,

which draws all active elements it finds
into its being and thus forms one soul
which lives and feels and turns as conscious self.

Related Characters: Statius (speaker), Dante
Page Number: 276
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