Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Ji-li Jiang's Red Scarf Girl. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
Red Scarf Girl: Introduction
Red Scarf Girl: Plot Summary
Red Scarf Girl: Detailed Summary & Analysis
Red Scarf Girl: Themes
Red Scarf Girl: Quotes
Red Scarf Girl: Characters
Red Scarf Girl: Terms
Red Scarf Girl: Symbols
Red Scarf Girl: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Ji-li Jiang

Historical Context of Red Scarf Girl
Other Books Related to Red Scarf Girl
- Full Title: Red Scarf Girl: A Memoir of the Cultural Revolution
- When Written: 1990s
- Where Written: The United States
- When Published: 1997
- Literary Period: Contemporary
- Genre: Memoir
- Setting: Shanghai, China, between 1966 and 1968, at the height of the Cultural Revolution
- Climax: Thin-Face raids the Jiang family home, stops Mom and Uncle Tian from sending a letter about him to the Municipal Communist Party Committee, and declares the entire family landlord class.
- Antagonist: Du Hai, Six-Fingers, Thin-Face, Chairman Mao
- Point of View: First Person
Extra Credit for Red Scarf Girl
Nom de Plume. Ji-li’s father, Jiang Xi-Ren, worked for many years as a stage actor in China before the Cultural Revolution cost him his career. After he moved to the United States, he began to act again, this time in film and television. His stage name, Henry O. honors the American writer O. Henry (which in turn is pen name—the author’s real name was William Sydney Porter).
Bestseller. During the Cultural Revolution, as the Red Guards and other organizations encouraged Chairman Mao’s personality cult, owning and carrying a copy of his selected quotations (known as the Little Red Book or the Precious Red Book) became unofficially mandatory. It’s also been translated into 20 languages and is sold in countries around the world to this today. Thus, it is estimated that billions of copies of the book have been published since its first run in 1964 making it one of—if not the—most reprinted book in human history.