Red Scarf Girl

Red Scarf Girl


Ji-li Jiang

During the Cultural Revolution, “red” was the adjective applied to describe anything or anyone aligned with or supportive of Chinese Communist Party, Chairman Mao, or communist ideals. Its opposite was “black.”

Red Quotes in Red Scarf Girl

The Red Scarf Girl quotes below are all either spoken by Red or refer to Red. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4: The Red Successors Quotes

“My father’s class status…?” I did not see what Du Hai meant at first. “You mean what did my grandfather do? I don’t know. I only know that he died when my father was seven.”

There was a trace of a grin on Du Hai’s face. He stood up lazily and faced the class.

“I know what her grandfather was.” He paused dramatically, sweeping his eyes across the class. “He was a—LANDLORD.”

“Landlord!” The whole class erupted.

“What’s more, her father is a—RIGHTIST.”

“Rightist!” the class was in pandemonium.

I was numb. Landlord! One of the bloodsuckers who exploited the farmers! The number-one enemies, the worst of the “Five Black Categories,” even worse than criminals, or counterrevolutionaries! My grandfather? And Dad, a rightist? One of the reactionary intellectuals who attacked the Party and socialism? No, I could not believe it.

Related Characters: Ji-li Jiang (speaker), Du Hai (speaker), Dad, Grandfather
Page Number: 58
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Chapter 8: A Search in Passing Quotes

I sat on our usual bench […] staring at the fleecy white clouds. […]

In the three months since the Cultural Revolution had started, changes had been so constant that I often felt lost. One day the Conservative faction were revolutionaries that defended Chairman Mao’s ideas; the next day, the opposite Rebel faction became the heroes of the Cultural Revolution. I heard that even Chairman of the Nation Liu Shao-qi and General Secretary Deng Xiao-ping were having problems. […]

I wondered what I would be doing if I had been born into a red family […] I hated my grandfather [… but] I did know if I could hate Grandma if she was officially classed as a landlord’s wife. The harder I tried to figure things out, the more confused I felt. I wished I had been born into a red family so I could do my revolutionary duties without worrying.

Related Characters: Ji-li Jiang (speaker), Dad, Grandma, Grandfather, Liu Shao-qi
Page Number: 125-126
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One by one I picked up all the clothes, folded them, and put them away. I picked up one of Dad’s white shirts and suddenly flushed with embarrassment and anger. My sanitary belt! It was lying on the floor, not even covered by its blue plastic bag. […]

This, of all things, was private. It was a girl’s secret. I never even let Dad or Ji-yong see it. […] Now one of those Red Guards, probably a boy, had looked at it—had held it! I felt as if I had been stripped naked in public.

[…] Wasn’t a home a private place? A place where the family could feel secure? How could strangers come through and search through our secrets? If Grandpa was a landlord, they could confiscate all his things. But I was not a landlord. Why did they have to search through my things?

Related Characters: Ji-li Jiang (speaker), Dad, Ji-yong Jiang
Related Symbols: Stamp Album
Page Number: 137-138
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Chapter 15: The Rice Harvest Quotes

I tried hard to imagine cool things to distract myself, but my legs began to tremble, and my eyes would not focus. I could not see clearly—not the thresher roller, not the bundle of rice in my hand. “Don’t fall down, don’t fall down. It will be all right after today,” I told myself again and again. I repeated Chairman Mao’s quotation, “Be resolute, fear no sacrifice, and surmount every difficulty to win victory.”

Just before noon, when I turned around to get another bundle of rice, I lost consciousness.

Related Characters: Ji-li Jiang (speaker), Chairman Mao
Page Number: 240-241
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Red Term Timeline in Red Scarf Girl

The timeline below shows where the term Red appears in Red Scarf Girl. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 3: Writing Da-zi-bao
...suspends all classes in May, charging that the schools turn children into revisionists, not good red socialists. Ji-li goes to the school buzzing with revolutionary fervor just like the rest of... (full context)
Chapter 8: A Search in Passing
By the third day, Ji-yong and Ji-yun have tired of the park, so they spend their days at Fourth Aunt’s apartment. Ji-li feels bored,... (full context)