


Alan Gratz

Evelyne Aber Character Analysis

Renata Aber’s younger sister. Evelyne and Renata are the real names of two sisters who traveled aboard the St. Louis, and were the only two allowed to disembark in Cuba because their father already lived there and had strong connections with the local authorities. In Refugee, they become friends with Josef and Ruthie.
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Evelyne Aber Character Timeline in Refugee

The timeline below shows where the character Evelyne Aber appears in Refugee. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Josef: Somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean – 1939, 6 days from home
Josef and Ruthie befriend two girls named Renata and Evelyne Aber around Ruthie’s age. Ruthie tells them that Josef just turned 13, and is going... (full context)
...door handle, and fumble so hard that he dropped his tray. Josef, Ruthie, Renata, and Evelyne burst into laughter. Josef realizes that he hadn’t played or laughed like this in years,... (full context)
Josef: Somewhere on the Atlantic Ocean – 1939, 8 days from home
Later that day, Josef is walking the Promenade when Renata and Evelyne find him and tell him to stand guard while they latch all the stalls in... (full context)
Josef: Just Outside Havana Harbor – 1939, 21 days from home
A single boat is allowed to approach the St. Louis, carrying Renata and Evelyne’s father, Dr. Aber, who already lives in Cuba. He greets his daughters warmly, and with... (full context)