

Pat Barker

Ada Lumb Character Analysis

Ada is Sarah’s mother, who comes to visit her once in Edinburgh. Ada is immensely cynical about relationships between men and women, believing that they can never be anything more than an exchange of sex for security and provision. She detests Sarah’s newfound independence—contrasting her regressive view of womanhood with Sarah’s liberated and progressive character—and believes the greatest thing her daughter could achieve is marriage to a wealthy man, especially if that man dies early in life, leaving his fortune behind.

Ada Lumb Quotes in Regeneration

The Regeneration quotes below are all either spoken by Ada Lumb or refer to Ada Lumb. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Masculinity, Expectations, and Psychological Health Theme Icon
Chapter 17 Quotes

“You’re never gunna get engaged till you learn to keep your knees together. Yeh, you can laugh, but men don’t value what’s dished out for free. Mebbe they shouldn’t be like that, mebbe should all be different. But they are like that and your not gunna change them.”

Related Characters: Ada Lumb (speaker), Billy Prior, Sarah Lumb
Page Number: 193
Explanation and Analysis:
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Ada Lumb Quotes in Regeneration

The Regeneration quotes below are all either spoken by Ada Lumb or refer to Ada Lumb. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Masculinity, Expectations, and Psychological Health Theme Icon
Chapter 17 Quotes

“You’re never gunna get engaged till you learn to keep your knees together. Yeh, you can laugh, but men don’t value what’s dished out for free. Mebbe they shouldn’t be like that, mebbe should all be different. But they are like that and your not gunna change them.”

Related Characters: Ada Lumb (speaker), Billy Prior, Sarah Lumb
Page Number: 193
Explanation and Analysis: