

Pat Barker

Willard is an officer sent to Craiglockhart for psychologically-induced paralysis. However, Willard is convinced there is a physical injury to his spine, since admitting a psychological problem seems cowardly and un-masculine to him. When Rivers’s psychiatry cures his paralysis, Willard still believes it was a physical injury, and that Rivers somehow magically reconnected the nerves in his back, demonstrating the foolhardiness of an overly-masculine personality.
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Willard Character Timeline in Regeneration

The timeline below shows where the character Willard appears in Regeneration. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 10
Masculinity, Expectations, and Psychological Health Theme Icon
War, Duty, and Loyalty Theme Icon
Trauma and Mental Illness Theme Icon
Rivers tends to a new patient named Willard, an officer with a newly-developed paralysis in his legs. Willard believes he must have a... (full context)
Masculinity, Expectations, and Psychological Health Theme Icon
War, Duty, and Loyalty Theme Icon
Male Relationships Theme Icon
Trauma and Mental Illness Theme Icon
...Sassoon too much to manipulate him.” When Rivers arrives back at Craiglockhart’s gates, he finds Willard being pushed in a wheelchair by his visiting wife, except they are stranded at the... (full context)
Chapter 20
Masculinity, Expectations, and Psychological Health Theme Icon
Trauma and Mental Illness Theme Icon
...November 14. His last days are more dramatic than he feels he deserves, particularly because Willard has overcome his paralysis. However, Willard still won’t admit that it was a psychological problem... (full context)