Riders to the Sea


J. M. Synge

A young girl, Nora assists her sister Cathleen in household tasks. She helps take care of their mother Maurya, even as she copes with all the deaths happening around them. Nora seems to have more confidence in the Catholic priest than Cathleen or Maurya, though her confidence in the priest proves misplaced after Bartley’s death.

Nora Quotes in Riders to the Sea

The Riders to the Sea quotes below are all either spoken by Nora or refer to Nora. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Act 1 Quotes

“I won’t stop him,” says he, “but let you not be afraid. Herself does be saying prayers half through the night, and the Almighty God won’t leave her destitute,” says he, “with no son living.”

Related Characters: Nora (speaker), Maurya, Bartley, The Young Priest
Page Number: 62
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And isn’t it a pitiful thing when there is nothing left of a man who was a great rower and fisher, but a bit of an old shirt and a plain stocking?

Related Characters: Nora (speaker), Michael
Page Number: 66
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Nora Quotes in Riders to the Sea

The Riders to the Sea quotes below are all either spoken by Nora or refer to Nora. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Act 1 Quotes

“I won’t stop him,” says he, “but let you not be afraid. Herself does be saying prayers half through the night, and the Almighty God won’t leave her destitute,” says he, “with no son living.”

Related Characters: Nora (speaker), Maurya, Bartley, The Young Priest
Page Number: 62
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And isn’t it a pitiful thing when there is nothing left of a man who was a great rower and fisher, but a bit of an old shirt and a plain stocking?

Related Characters: Nora (speaker), Michael
Page Number: 66
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