Rising Out of Hatred


Eli Saslow

Joseph Paul Franklin Character Analysis

Joseph Paul Franklin is a white nationalist who meets Don Black and David Duke when he is young. Together, they define the white supremacy movement for decades. When they meet, Franklin is a high school dropout who delights in using racial slurs and wants to spark a race war. Franklin eventually bombs three synagogues and shoots Black and interracial couples in the Southern U.S. After killing 15 people and wounding 12 others, he is finally caught, convicted, and executed.
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Joseph Paul Franklin Character Timeline in Rising Out of Hatred

The timeline below shows where the character Joseph Paul Franklin appears in Rising Out of Hatred. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 5
White Supremacy and Racism Theme Icon
Family, Community, and Values Theme Icon
...two other young white nationalists to carpool together. They were David Duke and Joseph Paul Franklin, and together they would come to define the white supremacy movement for the next several... (full context)
White Supremacy and Racism Theme Icon
Rhetoric and Language Theme Icon
...into the movement, Duke would go back to LSU and continue to make speeches, and Franklin would privately plan efforts to “spark a race war.” Franklin eventually bombed three synagogues and... (full context)