Rising Out of Hatred


Eli Saslow

Mitt Romney Character Analysis

Mitt Romney is the Republican candidate for president in the 2012 election, running against Barack Obama. Romney advocates for a policy of “self-deportation,” making life so miserable for immigrants that they decide to leave on their own. After Romney loses, Derek is secretly glad that Romney’s immigration policies won’t affect his friends who are immigrants. But Don is optimistic about Romney’s loss, believing that white nationalism is starting to take hold in the Republican Party—Romney won the white vote by a 20 percent margin, the largest in 30 years.
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Mitt Romney Character Timeline in Rising Out of Hatred

The timeline below shows where the character Mitt Romney appears in Rising Out of Hatred. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 7
White Supremacy and Racism Theme Icon
...Republican primary has become a race to the conservative right, particularly on immigration. Even Mitt Romney has moved away from his centrist roots, suggesting an immigration policy of “self-deportation”: making life... (full context)
Chapter 8
White Supremacy and Racism Theme Icon
Rhetoric and Language Theme Icon
Allison later travels with Derek’s family during Thanksgiving, just after Romney’s defeat in the presidential election. Despite this loss, Don thinks that white nationalism is taking... (full context)
Ostracism vs. Open Dialogue Theme Icon
Family, Community, and Values Theme Icon
...thinks the U.S. is slipping into an abyss, but another part is personally relieved that Romney’s immigration policies won’t unravel the lives of his friends on campus. His sister asks if... (full context)
Chapter 12
White Supremacy and Racism Theme Icon
Rhetoric and Language Theme Icon
...is Matthew Heimbach, who graduated just months before, like Derek. He went from a Mitt Romney supporter to a Tea Party organizer and then a registered Stormfront user. At college, he... (full context)