Rising Out of Hatred


Eli Saslow

Black Lives Matter Term Analysis

The Black Lives Matter movement is a 21st-century political and social cause protesting racially motivated violence—particularly police brutality—against Black people. The movement began following George Zimmerman’s acquittal after he shot and killed Trayvon Martin, an unarmed Black teenager, in 2012 because Martin “looked suspicious.” The movement grew in 2014 following the police killings of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. Black Lives Matter has also led to countermovements called “All Lives Matter” and “White Lives Matter.”

Black Lives Matter Quotes in Rising Out of Hatred

The Rising Out of Hatred quotes below are all either spoken by Black Lives Matter or refer to Black Lives Matter. For each quote, you can also see the other terms and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Ostracism vs. Open Dialogue Theme Icon
Chapter 12 Quotes

What Trump said during those next months was that he wanted to ban Muslims from entering the United States. He said he was the “law and order candidate” in the age of Black Lives Matter. He said he was qualified to be president in large part because of his “beautiful, terrific genes—a wonderful inheritance.” He said his primary goal was to erase the legacy of Barack Obama, the country’s first black president, who Trump continued to insinuate was a foreign-born Muslim. He said America’s inner cities were overrun by “gangs and thugs,” and “right now, if you walk down the street, you get shot”—and then to prove that point he re-tweeted a crime statistic suggesting that 81 percent of white murder victims were killed by blacks. A few days later, after criminologists told Trump that his number was wildly off base—that in fact it was only 14 percent—Trump said, “What? Am I gonna check every statistic?”

Related Characters: Donald Trump (speaker), Barack Obama
Page Number: 250
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Black Lives Matter Term Timeline in Rising Out of Hatred

The timeline below shows where the term Black Lives Matter appears in Rising Out of Hatred. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 12
White Supremacy and Racism Theme Icon
Family, Community, and Values Theme Icon
...of the country’s most divisive debates. Anti-refugee sentiment rises during the Syrian crisis, and the Black Lives Matter movement spurs the All Lives Matter and White Lives Matter countermovements. Don thinks that the... (full context)
Rhetoric and Language Theme Icon
...U.S., and he positions himself as the “law and order candidate” in the age of Black Lives Matter . He cites statistics about crime that prove to be blatantly false, but people ignore... (full context)