Schindler’s List

Schindler’s List


Thomas Keneally

Olek is the young son of Henry and Manci Rosner, who is five years old at the beginning of the German occupation of Cracow. He is initially hidden so that he will not be taken to the Płaszów concentration camp, but eventually, his family decides it will be safer to smuggle him inside. He makes Oskar Schindler’s list and is transported to Brinnlitz, but he’s rounded up and shipped to Auschwitz for medical experimentation. There, however, he gets a tattoo (meaning he isn’t marked for immediate extermination), and he survives the Holocaust.
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Olek Rosner Character Timeline in Schindler’s List

The timeline below shows where the character Olek Rosner appears in Schindler’s List. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Chapter 13
Richard eventually offers for Henry’s son, Olek, to stay with his girlfriend. Henry asks if he’s heard about an upcoming Aktion. Richard... (full context)
Chapter 27
...the celebration, Henry Rosner the musician tells Schindler about how they brought their eight-year-old son Olek (who had been hiding with friends in Cracow) into the camp. (full context)
Chapter 28
...Schindler will eventually save, saying that his Aktion is for “health” purposes. Many children, like Olek Rosner, will either be rounded up or forced into hiding. (full context)
Chapter 33
...for children who can be used for Dr. Mengele’s experiments in Auschwitz. Several children, including Olek Rosner and Richard Horowitz, are spotted and rounded up. The parents of the children (including... (full context)
...a train car, Niusia and Regina Horowitz, along with Manci Rosner, are horrified to see Olek Rosner and Richard Horowitz standing there in Auschwitz. They are concerned for the children, but... (full context)
Chapter 36
...though his son Richard will stay and eventually be found by Russians. Henry Rosner and Olek, meanwhile, survive a perilous seven-day trip to Dauchau where half of the people in their... (full context)