Season of Migration to the North


Tayeb Salih

Bint Majzoub is an elderly citizen of the village of Wad Hamid. Bint Majzoub is an example of an outspoken, independent woman in a deeply patriarchal and conservative community. She has had several husbands, and, as a result, a wide sexual experience that speaks openly about—something very unusual for a woman to do in that community. She also exhibits other unusual habits for a woman, such as smoking and drinking. She is good friends with the narrator’s grandfather, as well as with Wad Rayyes. Like everyone else in the village, she is devastated by Hosna’s murder of her good friend Wad Rayyes. However, she is the only one in the village who agrees to disclose to the narrator the full details of the murder-suicide. While Bint Majzoub’s uninhibited actions and behavior as a woman cast her as a free-thinking figure on one level, she, like the rest of the villagers, condemns Hosna’s actions, even though she acted in self-defense.

Bint Majzoub Quotes in Season of Migration to the North

The Season of Migration to the North quotes below are all either spoken by Bint Majzoub or refer to Bint Majzoub. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

“The red straw mat was swimming in blood. I raised the lamp and saw that every inch of Bint Mahmoud’s body was covered in bites and scratches…Wad Rayyes had been stabbed more than ten times—in his stomach, chest, face, and between his thighs”

Related Characters: Bint Majzoub (speaker), The Narrator, Hosna bint Mahmoud, Wad Rayyes
Page Number: Book Page 104-5
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Bint Majzoub Quotes in Season of Migration to the North

The Season of Migration to the North quotes below are all either spoken by Bint Majzoub or refer to Bint Majzoub. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 8 Quotes

“The red straw mat was swimming in blood. I raised the lamp and saw that every inch of Bint Mahmoud’s body was covered in bites and scratches…Wad Rayyes had been stabbed more than ten times—in his stomach, chest, face, and between his thighs”

Related Characters: Bint Majzoub (speaker), The Narrator, Hosna bint Mahmoud, Wad Rayyes
Page Number: Book Page 104-5
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