Second Treatise of Government

Second Treatise of Government


John Locke

Second Treatise of Government: Chapter 4: Of Slavery Quiz 2 questions

Test your knowledge of Chapter 4: Of Slavery. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
According to Locke, what is the difference between liberty in nature and liberty in society?
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Liberty in nature is a paradox in and of itself, whereas liberty is a defining element of society
Liberty in nature follows the law of nature, whereas liberty in society requires governance consented to by the people
Liberty in society is absolute, while liberty in nature is restricted by rulers
None of the above
Why does Locke claim that a person cannot voluntarily enslave themselves to another?
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Because everything exists in a state of nature and slavery is only possible outside nature
Because some people are naturally born into slavery and thus cannot agree to their own enslavement
Because governments do not recognize voluntary slavery as a legitimate state of being
Because no one ever has absolute power over their own body and thus can't give it to someone else