Second Treatise of Government

Second Treatise of Government


John Locke

Second Treatise of Government: Chapter 9: Of the End of Political Society and Government Quiz 3 questions

Test your knowledge of Chapter 9: Of the End of Political Society and Government. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
According to Locke, why would someone willingly leave a state of nature and join society?
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Because a state of nature is dangerous and uncertain
Because they are forced to by a ruling authority
Because living in nature is always unbearable
To gain absolute freedom without any laws or restrictions
According to Locke, what are the necessary components of a politic society?
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A state of nature, a state of war, and parental power
A single ruler, their emissaries, and their subjects
A governmental head, a court system, and a prison system
Established laws, an impartial judge, and a power to execute the laws
According to Locke, what happens when a person joins a common-wealth?
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They retain their full power of self-preservation and punishment
They accept the common-wealth's ability to punish them if necessary
They lose all rights and freedoms to the ruling monarch
They are no longer protected by laws and judges