Welcome to the LitCharts study guide on Oliver Goldsmith's She Stoops to Conquer. Created by the original team behind SparkNotes, LitCharts are the world's best literature guides.
She Stoops to Conquer: Introduction
She Stoops to Conquer: Plot Summary
She Stoops to Conquer: Detailed Summary & Analysis
She Stoops to Conquer: Themes
She Stoops to Conquer: Quotes
She Stoops to Conquer: Characters
She Stoops to Conquer: Symbols
She Stoops to Conquer: Literary Devices
She Stoops to Conquer: Theme Wheel
Brief Biography of Oliver Goldsmith
Historical Context of She Stoops to Conquer
Other Books Related to She Stoops to Conquer
- Full Title: She Stoops to Conquer
- When Written: 1771
- Where Written: London, England
- When Published: 1773
- Literary Period: Georgian comedy; “new” Comedy of Manners; Laughing Comedy
- Genre: Laughing Comedy; Comedy of Manners
- Setting: A small town in the English countryside during the Georgian era (18th century)
- Climax: Sir Charles and Hardcastle burst from behind the screen during Marlow’s proposal to Kate.
- Antagonist: Mrs. Hardcastle
Extra Credit for She Stoops to Conquer
Writer’s writer. Goldsmith was beloved and admired by fellow writers, who loved his writing style and pitied his many foibles. Samuel Johnson and Washington Irving, among others, both wrote tender biographies of Goldsmith.
Copyright Mistake. Goldsmith was often deep in debt. He signed the copyright for She Stoops to Conquer over to his publisher, John Newbery, to repay a debt. Sales of the book brought Newbery profits that far exceeded Goldsmith’s original debt, but Goldsmith received none of this money. Other works that Newbery claimed to have written himself, like the popular children’s book The Story of Little Goody Two Shoes, may also have been written by Johnson to repay debts.