Silence! The Court is in Session


Vijay Tendulkar

Mrs. Kashikar Character Analysis

The wife of Mr. Kashikar and a supporting member of the Living Courtroom. Although critical like her husband, Mrs, Kashikar has to endure near constant verbal abuse from Kashikar, who publically mocks and chastises her for essentially everything she does or says. Benare and others gossip that Mrs. Kashikar desperately wanted children but was unable to conceive, and so her and Kashikar’s ward, Rokde, acts as a kind of surrogate child, although he doubles as their servant, and Mrs. Kashikar seems to take out much of her aggression on him.

Mrs. Kashikar Quotes in Silence! The Court is in Session

The Silence! The Court is in Session quotes below are all either spoken by Mrs. Kashikar or refer to Mrs. Kashikar. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Performance and Self Expression Theme Icon
Act One Quotes

BENARE. But Samant, ‘spreading enlightenment is also one of the Prime Objectives behind our programme’. So our chairman Kashikar will tell you. Kashikar can’t take a step without a Prime Objective! Besides him, there’s Mrs Hand-that- Rocks-the-Cradle. I mean Mrs Kashikar. What an excellent housewife the poor woman is! A real Hand-that-Rocks-the- Cradle type! But what’s the use? Mr Prime Objective is tied up with uplifting the masses. And poor Hand-that-Rocks-the- Cradle has no cradle to rock!

SAMANT. You mean they have no—[He rocks an imaginary baby in his arms.]

BENARE. Right. You seem to be very bright, too! Mr Kashikar and the Hand-that-Rocks-the-Cradle, in order that nothing should happen to either of them in their bare, bare house—and that they shouldn’t die of boredom!—gave shelter to a young boy. They educated him. Made him toil away. Made a slave out of him. His name’s Balu—Balu Rokde. Who else? . . . Well, we have an Expert on the Law. He’s such an authority on the subject, even a desperate client won't go anywhere near him! He just sits alone in the barristers’ room at court, swatting flies with legal precedents! And in his tenement, he sits alone killing houseflies! But for today’s mock trial, he’s a very great barrister. You'll see the wonders he performs! And there’s a‘Hmm! with us! [Puts an imaginary pipe in her mouth.] Hmm! Sci-en-tist! Inter-failed!

SAMANT. Oh, it does sound good fun!

BENARE. And we have an Intellectual too. That means someone who prides himself on his booklearning. But when there’s a real- life problem, away he runs! Hides his head. He’s not here today. Won't be coming, either. He wouldn’t dare!

Related Characters: Benare (speaker), Samant (speaker), Ponkshe , Mr. Kashikar, Mrs. Kashikar, Balu Rokde, Professor Damle
Page Number: 59
Explanation and Analysis:

MRS KASHIKAR. I say, Benare—[stroking the garland in her hair] I did mean to buy a garland for you too—

BENARE [in Ponkshe’s tones]. Hmm! [Ponkshe bites his lips angrily.]

MRS KASHIKAR [to Mr Kashikar]. Didn’t I, dear? But what happened was that—

BENARE [laughing heartily]—The garland flew away—pouf! Or did the dicky-bird take it? I never want garlands. If I did, couldn't I afford to buy them? I earn my own living, you know. That’s why I never feel like buying garlands and things.

Related Characters: Benare (speaker), Mrs. Kashikar (speaker), Mr. Kashikar
Page Number: 66
Explanation and Analysis:
Act Two Quotes

KASHIKAR. Silence must be observed while the court is in session. Can’t shut up at home, can’t shut up here!

MRS KASHIKAR. But I was just telling Samant here—

SUKHATME. Let it pass, Mrs Kashikar. He’s just joking.

MRS KASHIKAR. So what? Scolding me at every step!

Related Characters: Mr. Kashikar (speaker), Mrs. Kashikar (speaker), Samant
Page Number: 76
Explanation and Analysis:

SUKHATME. Motherhood is pure. Moreover, there is a great—er —a great nobility in our concept of motherhood. We have acknowledged woman as the mother of mankind. Our culture enjoins us to perpetual worship of her. ‘Be thy mother as a god’ is what we teach our children from infancy. There is great responsibility devolving upon a mother. She weaves a magic circle with her whole existence in order to protect and preserve her little one—

KASHIKAR. You've forgotten one thing. There’s a Sanskrit proverb, Janani janmabhumischa svargadapi gariyasi.

‘Mother and
The Motherland,
Both are even
Higher than heaven.’

MRS KASHIKAR [with enthusiasm]. And of course, ‘Great are thy favours, ‘O mother’ is quite famous.

BENARE. Order, order! This is all straight out of a school composition-book. [Bites her tongue ironically.] Prisoner Miss Benare, for abrogating the authority of the court, a reprimand is once more issued to you! [Pretends to bang a gavel.]

SUKHATME. I am deeply grateful, Milord, for your addition. In short, ‘Woman is a wife for a moment, but a mother for ever.’

Related Characters: Benare (speaker), Sukhatme (speaker), Mr. Kashikar (speaker), Mrs. Kashikar (speaker)
Page Number: 79
Explanation and Analysis:
Act Three Quotes

MRS KASHIKAR. What better proof? Just look at the way she behaves. I don’t like to say anything since she’s one of us. Should there be no limit to how freely a woman can behave with a man? An unmarried woman? No matter how well she knows him? Look how loudly she laughs! How she sings, dances, cracks Jokes! And wandering alone with how many men, day in and day out!

SUKHATME [Disappointed at the ‘proof’]. Mrs Kashikar, at the most one can say all this shows how free she is.

MRS KASHIKAR. Free! Free! She’s free allright—in everything! I shouldn't say it. But since it’s come up in court, I will. Just hold this a minute.

Related Characters: Sukhatme (speaker), Mrs. Kashikar (speaker), Benare, Ponkshe , Mr. Kashikar
Page Number: 100
Explanation and Analysis:

Discipline means discipline.

Related Characters: Mrs. Kashikar (speaker), Benare
Page Number: 106
Explanation and Analysis:

KARNIK. For instance, the accused had attempted suicide once before.

SUKHATME [Radiant]. That’s the point! There is a precedent for the bottle of T1K-20.

KARNIK. I can’t say that exactly. I can only tell you what happened. My information is that the accused attempted suicide because of a disappointment in love. She fell in love at the age of fifteen, with her own maternal uncle! That’s what ended in disappointment.

MRS KASHIKAR [Totally floored]. Her uncle!

SUKHATME. Milord—her maternal uncle—her mother’s brother. What an immoral relationship!

KASHIKAR. In other words, just one step away from total depravity. Fine, Sukhatme, very fine!

SUKHATME. Milord, why do you say ‘fine’? The present conduct of the accused is totally licentious. We know that. But it now seems that her past, too, is smeared in sin. This shows it as clear as daylight.

Related Characters: Sukhatme (speaker), Mr. Kashikar (speaker), Mrs. Kashikar (speaker), Karnik (speaker), Benare, Benare’s Uncle
Page Number: 111
Explanation and Analysis:
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Mrs. Kashikar Quotes in Silence! The Court is in Session

The Silence! The Court is in Session quotes below are all either spoken by Mrs. Kashikar or refer to Mrs. Kashikar. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Performance and Self Expression Theme Icon
Act One Quotes

BENARE. But Samant, ‘spreading enlightenment is also one of the Prime Objectives behind our programme’. So our chairman Kashikar will tell you. Kashikar can’t take a step without a Prime Objective! Besides him, there’s Mrs Hand-that- Rocks-the-Cradle. I mean Mrs Kashikar. What an excellent housewife the poor woman is! A real Hand-that-Rocks-the- Cradle type! But what’s the use? Mr Prime Objective is tied up with uplifting the masses. And poor Hand-that-Rocks-the- Cradle has no cradle to rock!

SAMANT. You mean they have no—[He rocks an imaginary baby in his arms.]

BENARE. Right. You seem to be very bright, too! Mr Kashikar and the Hand-that-Rocks-the-Cradle, in order that nothing should happen to either of them in their bare, bare house—and that they shouldn’t die of boredom!—gave shelter to a young boy. They educated him. Made him toil away. Made a slave out of him. His name’s Balu—Balu Rokde. Who else? . . . Well, we have an Expert on the Law. He’s such an authority on the subject, even a desperate client won't go anywhere near him! He just sits alone in the barristers’ room at court, swatting flies with legal precedents! And in his tenement, he sits alone killing houseflies! But for today’s mock trial, he’s a very great barrister. You'll see the wonders he performs! And there’s a‘Hmm! with us! [Puts an imaginary pipe in her mouth.] Hmm! Sci-en-tist! Inter-failed!

SAMANT. Oh, it does sound good fun!

BENARE. And we have an Intellectual too. That means someone who prides himself on his booklearning. But when there’s a real- life problem, away he runs! Hides his head. He’s not here today. Won't be coming, either. He wouldn’t dare!

Related Characters: Benare (speaker), Samant (speaker), Ponkshe , Mr. Kashikar, Mrs. Kashikar, Balu Rokde, Professor Damle
Page Number: 59
Explanation and Analysis:

MRS KASHIKAR. I say, Benare—[stroking the garland in her hair] I did mean to buy a garland for you too—

BENARE [in Ponkshe’s tones]. Hmm! [Ponkshe bites his lips angrily.]

MRS KASHIKAR [to Mr Kashikar]. Didn’t I, dear? But what happened was that—

BENARE [laughing heartily]—The garland flew away—pouf! Or did the dicky-bird take it? I never want garlands. If I did, couldn't I afford to buy them? I earn my own living, you know. That’s why I never feel like buying garlands and things.

Related Characters: Benare (speaker), Mrs. Kashikar (speaker), Mr. Kashikar
Page Number: 66
Explanation and Analysis:
Act Two Quotes

KASHIKAR. Silence must be observed while the court is in session. Can’t shut up at home, can’t shut up here!

MRS KASHIKAR. But I was just telling Samant here—

SUKHATME. Let it pass, Mrs Kashikar. He’s just joking.

MRS KASHIKAR. So what? Scolding me at every step!

Related Characters: Mr. Kashikar (speaker), Mrs. Kashikar (speaker), Samant
Page Number: 76
Explanation and Analysis:

SUKHATME. Motherhood is pure. Moreover, there is a great—er —a great nobility in our concept of motherhood. We have acknowledged woman as the mother of mankind. Our culture enjoins us to perpetual worship of her. ‘Be thy mother as a god’ is what we teach our children from infancy. There is great responsibility devolving upon a mother. She weaves a magic circle with her whole existence in order to protect and preserve her little one—

KASHIKAR. You've forgotten one thing. There’s a Sanskrit proverb, Janani janmabhumischa svargadapi gariyasi.

‘Mother and
The Motherland,
Both are even
Higher than heaven.’

MRS KASHIKAR [with enthusiasm]. And of course, ‘Great are thy favours, ‘O mother’ is quite famous.

BENARE. Order, order! This is all straight out of a school composition-book. [Bites her tongue ironically.] Prisoner Miss Benare, for abrogating the authority of the court, a reprimand is once more issued to you! [Pretends to bang a gavel.]

SUKHATME. I am deeply grateful, Milord, for your addition. In short, ‘Woman is a wife for a moment, but a mother for ever.’

Related Characters: Benare (speaker), Sukhatme (speaker), Mr. Kashikar (speaker), Mrs. Kashikar (speaker)
Page Number: 79
Explanation and Analysis:
Act Three Quotes

MRS KASHIKAR. What better proof? Just look at the way she behaves. I don’t like to say anything since she’s one of us. Should there be no limit to how freely a woman can behave with a man? An unmarried woman? No matter how well she knows him? Look how loudly she laughs! How she sings, dances, cracks Jokes! And wandering alone with how many men, day in and day out!

SUKHATME [Disappointed at the ‘proof’]. Mrs Kashikar, at the most one can say all this shows how free she is.

MRS KASHIKAR. Free! Free! She’s free allright—in everything! I shouldn't say it. But since it’s come up in court, I will. Just hold this a minute.

Related Characters: Sukhatme (speaker), Mrs. Kashikar (speaker), Benare, Ponkshe , Mr. Kashikar
Page Number: 100
Explanation and Analysis:

Discipline means discipline.

Related Characters: Mrs. Kashikar (speaker), Benare
Page Number: 106
Explanation and Analysis:

KARNIK. For instance, the accused had attempted suicide once before.

SUKHATME [Radiant]. That’s the point! There is a precedent for the bottle of T1K-20.

KARNIK. I can’t say that exactly. I can only tell you what happened. My information is that the accused attempted suicide because of a disappointment in love. She fell in love at the age of fifteen, with her own maternal uncle! That’s what ended in disappointment.

MRS KASHIKAR [Totally floored]. Her uncle!

SUKHATME. Milord—her maternal uncle—her mother’s brother. What an immoral relationship!

KASHIKAR. In other words, just one step away from total depravity. Fine, Sukhatme, very fine!

SUKHATME. Milord, why do you say ‘fine’? The present conduct of the accused is totally licentious. We know that. But it now seems that her past, too, is smeared in sin. This shows it as clear as daylight.

Related Characters: Sukhatme (speaker), Mr. Kashikar (speaker), Mrs. Kashikar (speaker), Karnik (speaker), Benare, Benare’s Uncle
Page Number: 111
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