Silence! The Court is in Session


Vijay Tendulkar

Also translated as the Bhagavad-Gita, and often referred to as the Gita, this is a piece of Hindu scripture. Although only one piece of a larger body of important Hindu texts, the Gita was often used as inspiration for members of the Indian independence movement.
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Bhagavad-Geeta Term Timeline in Silence! The Court is in Session

The timeline below shows where the term Bhagavad-Geeta appears in Silence! The Court is in Session. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act Two
Performance and Self Expression Theme Icon
Guilt and Innocence  Theme Icon
...a “world-famous scientist.” Ponkshe swears upon the Oxford English Dictionary, because Rokde has forgotten the Bhagavad-Geeta. (full context)