Silence! The Court is in Session


Vijay Tendulkar

Masala Pan Term Analysis

A drug made from the leaf of the betel plant. When chewed it has stimulant effects.
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Masala Pan Term Timeline in Silence! The Court is in Session

The timeline below shows where the term Masala Pan appears in Silence! The Court is in Session. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Act One
Performance and Self Expression Theme Icon
Women’s Roles in Society Theme Icon
Guilt and Innocence  Theme Icon
Ponkshe and Mrs. Kashikar send Samant to get cigarettes and pan. Benare leaves to room to wash her face and freshen up. While she’s gone Karnik,... (full context)
Act Two
Performance and Self Expression Theme Icon
Guilt and Innocence  Theme Icon
Samant has arrived with pan and cigarettes. He hands them out. Sukhatme tries to offer some to Benare but she... (full context)
Performance and Self Expression Theme Icon
Women’s Roles in Society Theme Icon
Guilt and Innocence  Theme Icon Sukhatme proposes that the court take a 15 second break to spit out the pan. The men discuss the amount of time needed, criticizing Benare when she interjects. They talk... (full context)
Performance and Self Expression Theme Icon
Women’s Roles in Society Theme Icon
Mrs. Kashikar makes and aside to Samant that the argument about pan is “just in fun,” and a demonstration of how in court you need permission for... (full context)