Sir Gawain and the Green Knight



Morgan Le Faye Character Analysis

An old woman at Bertilak’s court. The poet compares her with Bertilak’s beautiful young wife, showing how extreme natural changes can be over time. It is later revealed that she is a sorceress - she was once a pupil of the famous wizard Merlin and is also related to King Arthur and Gawain. She is the one that has been controlling the whole operation.
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Morgan Le Faye Character Timeline in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

The timeline below shows where the character Morgan Le Faye appears in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Lines 491-1125
...than Guinevere, and Gawain notices her complexion, her figure, and many other fair details. An old lady stands beside her, completely the opposite in appearance to the young woman, with a... (full context)
Lines 1126-1997
...goes to mass, and then spends the day merrily with the host’s wife and the old lady. (full context)
Lines 1998-2531
Gawain refuses the invitation but sends his wishes to both the old and the young ladies. He curses the deceitfulness of women, listing the important men of... (full context)
...Hautdesert. He explains that he has learned his supernatural skills from Morgan Le Faye, the old woman who dwelt at the castle with him. It was this sorceress who sent Bertilak... (full context)