Snow Falling on Cedars


David Guterson

Arthur Chambers Character Analysis

Ishmael Chambers’s late father. He was the founder and sole reporter of San Piedro’s only newspaper, the San Piedro Review. Before his death from cancer, he was a highly regarded member of the island community. Before becoming a reporter, Arthur fought in World War I and later worked as a logger. In life, Arthur was well-read and a lifelong learner. He believed that truth isn’t immediately apparent—often, people have to look deeply and carefully to discern truths that lurk in the gray areas of life. Arthur tried to make his son, Ishmael, see the truth in this way, too, but his son was obstinate and unconvinced of his father’s philosophies on truth versus facts. After Pearl Harbor, while other most islanders became very prejudiced against people of Japanese descent, Arthur wrote newspaper stories that drew on the positive contributions of the island’s Japanese community.

Arthur Chambers Quotes in Snow Falling on Cedars

The Snow Falling on Cedars quotes below are all either spoken by Arthur Chambers or refer to Arthur Chambers. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4 Quotes

An unflagging loyalty to his profession and its principles had made Arthur, over the years, increasingly deliberate in his speech and actions, and increasingly exacting regarding the truth in even his most casual reportage. He was, his son remembered, morally meticulous, and though Ishmael might strive to emulate this, there was nevertheless the matter of the war—this matter of the arm he’d lost—that made such scrupulosity difficult.

Related Characters: Ishmael Chambers, Arthur Chambers
Page Number: 34-35
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Chapter 13 Quotes

“Not every fact is just a fact,” he added. “It’s all a kind of…balancing act. A juggling of pins, all kinds of pins, that’s what journalism is about.”

“That isn’t journalism,” Ishmael answered. “Journalism is just the facts.”


“But which facts?” Arthur asked him. “Which facts do we print, Ishmael?”

Related Characters: Ishmael Chambers (speaker), Arthur Chambers (speaker)
Page Number: 188
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Arthur Chambers Quotes in Snow Falling on Cedars

The Snow Falling on Cedars quotes below are all either spoken by Arthur Chambers or refer to Arthur Chambers. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 4 Quotes

An unflagging loyalty to his profession and its principles had made Arthur, over the years, increasingly deliberate in his speech and actions, and increasingly exacting regarding the truth in even his most casual reportage. He was, his son remembered, morally meticulous, and though Ishmael might strive to emulate this, there was nevertheless the matter of the war—this matter of the arm he’d lost—that made such scrupulosity difficult.

Related Characters: Ishmael Chambers, Arthur Chambers
Page Number: 34-35
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Chapter 13 Quotes

“Not every fact is just a fact,” he added. “It’s all a kind of…balancing act. A juggling of pins, all kinds of pins, that’s what journalism is about.”

“That isn’t journalism,” Ishmael answered. “Journalism is just the facts.”


“But which facts?” Arthur asked him. “Which facts do we print, Ishmael?”

Related Characters: Ishmael Chambers (speaker), Arthur Chambers (speaker)
Page Number: 188
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