Still Alice


Lisa Genova

Anna Howland Character Analysis

Alice and John’s oldest child; Lydia and Tom’s sister. Anna is a successful lawyer, has recently married a man named Charlie, and is actively trying to conceive their first child. Anna struggles with infertility issues, leading her to choose in vitro fertilization, which initially fails. When Alice is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, Anna gets genetic testing done and learns that she carries the same mutated gene and will inevitably develop Alzheimer’s one day, as well. Because of this, Anna chooses to have fertilized embryos tested for the same gene before being implanted, resulting in her pregnancy with twins Allison Anne and Charles Thomas. Anna and Alice are drawn closer together after Alice’s diagnosis, and Anna frequently spends the night at Alice and John’s home when John is away. When John is offered a new position in New York City, Anna insists that Alice be left with her, Charlie, and Tom in Cambridge so they can take care of her. When John does leave, Anna comes over with the twins and Lydia every day to take care of Alice.

Anna Howland Quotes in Still Alice

The Still Alice quotes below are all either spoken by Anna Howland or refer to Anna Howland. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
December 2004 Quotes

They talked about her as if she weren’t sitting in the wing chair, a few feet away. They talked about her, in front of her, as if she were deaf. They talked about her, in front of her, without including her, as if she had Alzheimer’s disease.

Related Characters: Dr. Alice Howland, Dr. John Howland, Anna Howland, Tom Howland
Page Number: 225
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Anna Howland Quotes in Still Alice

The Still Alice quotes below are all either spoken by Anna Howland or refer to Anna Howland. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
December 2004 Quotes

They talked about her as if she weren’t sitting in the wing chair, a few feet away. They talked about her, in front of her, as if she were deaf. They talked about her, in front of her, without including her, as if she had Alzheimer’s disease.

Related Characters: Dr. Alice Howland, Dr. John Howland, Anna Howland, Tom Howland
Page Number: 225
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