Still Alice


Lisa Genova

Denise Daddario Character Analysis

The social worker assigned to work with dementia patients and their families at Dr. Davis’s office. Denise frequently offers to refer John to a counsellor or therapy group that can help him cope with Alice’s Alzheimer’s diagnosis. Denise helps Alice get in touch with Mary, Dan, and Cathy after Alice asks her for help setting up a support group for patients with Alzheimer’s.
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Denise Daddario Character Timeline in Still Alice

The timeline below shows where the character Denise Daddario appears in Still Alice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
January 2004
...her to come back in six months and encourages her to get in touch with Denise Daddario, a social worker who can help her with resources. Alice again reflects that nothing... (full context)
November 2004
...Alzheimer’s. She only finds forums and resources for caregivers online, so Alice decides to call Denise Daddario and ask if there’s support for people her age with dementia. Denise tells her... (full context)
December 2004
In December, Alice struggles to read through Dan’s thesis when she gets an email from Denise, who tells Alice that she’s talked to other young patients with early-onset dementia, several of... (full context)