Still Alice


Lisa Genova

An old classmate of Alice’s from Harvard. Alice runs into him at the conference at Stanford and he playfully teases her for reusing old conference material. When Alice struggles to remember a word during her presentation, she sees John smile and whisper to the person next to him, leading Alice to believe that he noticed her struggling and was gossiping about her.
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Josh Character Timeline in Still Alice

The timeline below shows where the character Josh appears in Still Alice. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
September 2003
...Stanford and finds the conference room full of people already, including an old classmate named Josh. Josh and Alice talk about her time teaching at Harvard and he tells her she... (full context)
...she sees no sign that the audience took much note of it until she sees Josh whispering and smiling to the woman next to him. It’s not until her plane is... (full context)