The Buffalo of Do
The Buffalo of Do
Hymn to the Bow Symbol Analysis |
Theme Wheel
Balla Fasséké composes the song “Hymn to the Bow” just after Sundiata, at age seven, wrenches the iron rod he’s using as a cane into the shape of a bow. This song is the first major record of Sundiata's exceptional feats and it follows him throughout his later exploits. The hymn is a symbol of Sundiata’s strength, and Balla Fasséké sings it for Sundiata's vast army to keep Sundiata’s power fresh in the soldiers' minds. When the hymn is written, it also foreshadows Sundiata's future skill using a bow—it is with a bow that Sundiata will kill Soumaoro, which leads to the unification of Mali and the fulfillment of Sundiata’s destiny.