Tell Me How It Ends


Valeria Luiselli

Luiselli’s niece is a nineteen-year-old woman who volunteers with Luiselli as a translator and interpreter at a nonprofit organization in Manhattan called The Door. She is waiting to hear back from colleges, and as she becomes more and more involved at The Door, she decides she’s going to major in law so that she’ll be able to advocate for child migrants.

Luiselli’s Niece Quotes in Tell Me How It Ends

The Tell Me How It Ends quotes below are all either spoken by Luiselli’s Niece or refer to Luiselli’s Niece. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

The MS-13 was originally a small coalition of immigrants from El Salvador who had sought exile in the U.S. during the long and ruthless Salvadoran Civil War (1979-1992), in which the military-led government relentlessly massacred left-wing opposition groups. […] The primary ally of that government, we discover (and should have predicted), was the United States. The Carter administration and, perhaps more actively, the Reagan administration funded and provided military resources to the government that massacred so many and led many others to exile. Around one-fifth of the population of El Salvador fled. Many of those who sought exile ended up as political refugees in the United States—around three hundred thousand of them in Los Angeles. The whole story is an absurd, circular nightmare.

Related Characters: Valeria Luiselli (speaker), Luiselli’s Niece
Page Number: 45
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Luiselli’s Niece Quotes in Tell Me How It Ends

The Tell Me How It Ends quotes below are all either spoken by Luiselli’s Niece or refer to Luiselli’s Niece. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
Chapter 2 Quotes

The MS-13 was originally a small coalition of immigrants from El Salvador who had sought exile in the U.S. during the long and ruthless Salvadoran Civil War (1979-1992), in which the military-led government relentlessly massacred left-wing opposition groups. […] The primary ally of that government, we discover (and should have predicted), was the United States. The Carter administration and, perhaps more actively, the Reagan administration funded and provided military resources to the government that massacred so many and led many others to exile. Around one-fifth of the population of El Salvador fled. Many of those who sought exile ended up as political refugees in the United States—around three hundred thousand of them in Los Angeles. The whole story is an absurd, circular nightmare.

Related Characters: Valeria Luiselli (speaker), Luiselli’s Niece
Page Number: 45
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