The Adventure of the Speckled Band


Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Julia Stoner Character Analysis

The murder victim in this story, Julia Stoner was the twin sister of Helen Stoner. She was killed in the middle of the night in her bedroom at the Stoke Moran Manor by a poisonous swamp adder snake. The snake was trained by her stepfather, Dr. Roylott, who lived in the neighboring bedroom. At the time of her death, Julia was engaged to be married to a major of the marines, and her marriage would have meant that she would receive a portion of the recurring annual inheritance that was set up to go to Roylott before her mother’s death. Her final words—“It was the band! The speckled band!”—are what give the story both its title and its central mystery.

Julia Stoner Quotes in The Adventure of the Speckled Band

The The Adventure of the Speckled Band quotes below are all either spoken by Julia Stoner or refer to Julia Stoner. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Adventure of the Speckled Band Quotes

“Tell me, Helen,” said she, “have you ever heard anyone whistle in the dead of the night?”

Related Characters: Julia Stoner (speaker), Helen Stoner
Related Symbols: Swamp Adder
Page Number: 402
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At first I thought that she had not recognised me, but as I bent over her she suddenly shrieked out in a voice which I shall never forget, “Oh, my God! Helen! It was the band! The speckled band!”

Related Characters: Helen Stoner (speaker), Julia Stoner
Related Symbols: Swamp Adder
Page Number: 404
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Julia Stoner Quotes in The Adventure of the Speckled Band

The The Adventure of the Speckled Band quotes below are all either spoken by Julia Stoner or refer to Julia Stoner. For each quote, you can also see the other characters and themes related to it (each theme is indicated by its own dot and icon, like this one:
The Adventure of the Speckled Band Quotes

“Tell me, Helen,” said she, “have you ever heard anyone whistle in the dead of the night?”

Related Characters: Julia Stoner (speaker), Helen Stoner
Related Symbols: Swamp Adder
Page Number: 402
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At first I thought that she had not recognised me, but as I bent over her she suddenly shrieked out in a voice which I shall never forget, “Oh, my God! Helen! It was the band! The speckled band!”

Related Characters: Helen Stoner (speaker), Julia Stoner
Related Symbols: Swamp Adder
Page Number: 404
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