Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn


Mark Twain

Adventures of Huckleberry Finn: Chapter 35 Quiz 5 questions

Test your knowledge of Chapter 35. Submit your answers to see your results and get feedback.
How does Tom perceive Jim in the context of his adventurous plans for Jim's rescue?
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Tom sees Jim as a partner in his adventures
Tom regards Jim as an obstacle to his plans
Tom sees Jim as a prop to fulfill his romanticized adventure
Tom perceives Jim as an inspirational figure in his adventures
What is Tom's plan to deliver a rope ladder to Jim?
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Tom suggests that they weave a ladder from branches and vines
Tom suggests that they sew sheets together to make a rope ladder, then bake it into a pie
Tom suggests that they purchase a ladder and deliver it directly to Jim
Tom suggests that they create a ladder by tying up clothes from the clothesline
What does Tom's plan and Huck's acceptance of it imply about their respective characters?
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Tom is practical and realistic, while Huck lacks conviction in his own judgment
Tom is absurd and driven by fictional conventions, and Huck’s acceptance shows a lapse in his moral development
Tom is resourceful and creative, while Huck is complacent and accepting
Tom is determined and resolute, and Huck is respectful of Tom's decisions
What is Tom's condition for Huck stealing things?
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Tom tells Huck he can only steal things needed for Jim's freedom
Tom tells Huck he can steal anything he wants without repercussions
Tom tells Huck he should not steal anything at all
Tom tells Huck he can only steal food, like the watermelon
What is Tom's proposal for digging Jim out of the hut?
5 of 5
Tom suggests they use picks and shovels to dig Jim out
Tom suggests they use their bare hands to dig Jim out and pretend it takes them the rest of their lives
Tom suggests they hire someone else to dig Jim out and pretend they did it themselves
Tom suggests they use knives for digging and pretend it takes them 37 years