The Alchemist


Paulo Coelho

Throughout the novel, the Pyramids of Egypt are held in Santiago’s mind as his end goal, as they mark the location of his treasure. Therefore, the pyramids symbolize his Personal Legend. The pyramids are veiled in mystery because of the incredible effort it takes to reach them across the desert, and because they are a stunning feat of engineering and human accomplishment. They also symbolize the difficulty of Santiago’s quest. They seem like a surreal dream, due to their physical distance and awe-inspiring appearance, which hovers before Santiago for months and months. Ultimately the pyramids are not the end point of Santiago’s quest, however, and he must return to a familiar place, the abandoned church, to find his treasure. Therefore, the pyramids come to symbolize all that Santiago experiences along the way toward the end goal of his Legend. The distances he travels, the people he meets, and the lessons he learns on his journey are all a part of his spiritual quest. The pyramids represent the part of his Personal Legend that involves exploring the unknown and the foreign.

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The Pyramids of Egypt Symbol Timeline in The Alchemist

The timeline below shows where the symbol The Pyramids of Egypt appears in The Alchemist. The colored dots and icons indicate which themes are associated with that appearance.
Part One
...sheep, but suddenly she takes Santiago by the hand and they are both transported to the Egyptian Pyramids . Santiago pauses in his telling to see if the fortune-teller knows what the Egyptian... (full context), so she is able to interpret it. She says Santiago must go to the pyramids in Egypt. There, he will find a treasure that will make him a rich man. (full context)
Santiago asks Melchizedek where the treasure is. Melchizedek says it is in Egypt near the pyramids, which Santiago already knows. Melchizedek tells him that to find the treasure he will have... (full context)
...trusts his new friend. The young man tells Santiago that they could get to the pyramids by tomorrow, but they'll have to buy two camels. (full context)
Part Two an omen. The crystal merchant asks Santiago why he wants to get to the pyramids. Santiago says only that he wanted to visit because he's heard so much about them.... (full context)
...him of the old king, and Santiago convinces himself that he should go to the pyramids in Egypt, because he may never have another chance. Although he is only two hours... (full context)
...oasis. He recognizes that he still has a long way to go to reach the pyramids. But now he has learned from the camel driver, and he wants to live in... (full context)
...her that he has come into the desert in search of a treasure near the pyramids. He thought of the war as a curse, but now he sees it as a... (full context)
...of the war between the tribes, it has been impossible to cross the desert toward the Egyptian Pyramids . The alchemist welcomes Santiago into his tent. Santiago looks around for the implements of... (full context)
...received that day. The alchemist points out that none of that gold is from the pyramids. Santiago says that he has found Fatima, and that she is a greater treasure than... (full context) the alchemist. The alchemist says Santiago must just continue in the direction of the pyramids, and pay attention to any omens along the way. Because he has now learned to... (full context)
...why they carry so much money. Santiago says he needs it to get to the pyramids. Among the alchemist’s belongings the tribesmen find a small flask and a yellow glass egg.... (full context)
One day the alchemist announces that they're only two days from the pyramids. Santiago again asks about the alchemist teaching him alchemy. The alchemist replies that Santiago already... (full context)
...this point onward Santiago needs to travel alone for the last three hours toward the pyramids. Santiago thanks the alchemist for teaching him the Language of the World. The alchemist says... (full context)
...month since he left the oasis. At the top of the dunes, Santiago can see the Egyptian Pyramids illuminated by the full moon. (full context)
...roof, and he remembers the time he slept there and had the dream about the pyramids. This time he does not have his sheep, but he has a shovel. He thinks... (full context)
...the wind replies that he could not, because this allowed him to see the beautiful pyramids. Santiago smiles and begins to dig. In half an hour he has revealed a chest... (full context)